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Many researchers and writers have reported accounts of after-death communication in their books and articles, usually along with other types of experiences. Here's a listing of a few of them.


Joan Wester Anderson: Joan's book, Where Angels Walk, contains a collection of 50 accounts of people who believe that angels have intervened in their lives. Three of these stories contain ADC experiences:

The Man In White – When twelve-year-old Mark Durrance was playing outside in southwestern Florida, 150 yards from his home, he was bitten in his foot by a large rattlesnake. Mark insists that his deceased Grand-Daddy Durrance was with him when he was in the hospital emergency room.

On A Wave Of Light – Norma Smith's three-year-old son, Tommy, was murdered by a mentally ill tenant in her home. Almost six months later, while attending an evening mass at a Catholic church, Norma saw a bright flash of light and received a telepathic message from Tommy saying, "Mom, don't worry. Everything's going to be okay."

Callers In The Night – Dr. S. W. Mitchell, a neurologist in Philadelphia, was summoned by a young girl to help her mother who was seriously ill with pneumonia. However, when Dr. Mitchell arrived at the woman's home, he learned her daughter had died a month earlier.

Father Arnold Damien, a Catholic priest in Chicago, was summoned by two young boys to assist their grandmother who was dying. Upon arriving at her apartment to administer the last rites, the elderly woman told Fr. Damien that her two grandsons, who had been altar boys at his church, had died many years ago.

And her latest book, Where Miracles Happen, features an entire 40-page section titled Miracles From Beyond which contains a variety of ADC accounts. And some of these appeared in the September 13, 1994 issue of the National Enquirer.


Patrick Briese: Patrick is a widower and social worker who had a dramatic series of ADCs with his deceased wife. He wrote a 4-page article, Not So Unusual, Unusual Experiences, for the Resource Manual For Outreach Volunteers for the Widowed Persons Service, a program of the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP). He's also conducted workshops on this topic at their conferences.


Ian Currie: Ian is a Canadian researcher, teacher, and author of books on sociology, thanatology, and parapsychology. He offers a large variety of ADCs and other experiences in his book, You Cannot Die, to prove that man survives physical death.


Eda Devers: Eda is a nurse practitioner in Jacksonville, Florida. Her article, Experiencing The Deceased, is based upon a small study of ADCs and her unpublished master's thesis. It appears in Florida Nursing Review published by The University of Florida, January, 1988.


Mitch Finley: An author and columnist, Mitch solicited accounts of after-death communication experiences by placing advertisements in newspapers. His book, Whispers of Love, contains 75 of the accounts he received.


Kelli Gariglietti: Kelli is a student at Pittsburg State University, Pittsburg, Kansas. Her unpublished 42-page paper, Reunions Of Love And Hope, is an excellent introduction to ADC experiences and includes several accounts she collected on her own.


Andrew M. Greeley: A Catholic priest and best-selling novelist, Father Greeley is a professor of social science at the University of Chicago. Chapter 12, "Religious Stories and Contact with the Dead" of his 1995 book, Religion As Poetry, is a commentary on statistics obtained through polls conducted by the National Opinion Research Center (NORC) that pertain to the general field of after-death communication experiences.


Tom Harpur: Tom, a Canadian, is an ordained Anglican priest, a professor, a journalist and author, the host of his own TV show, and the Religion Editor of The Toronto Star. A variety of experiences from readers of his syndicated column, including a dozen ADCs, appear in the first chapter of his book, Life After Death.


Joseph Heinerman: A Mormon researcher, Joseph's book, Spirit World Manifestations, contains a wide assortment of accounts of "divine aid in genealogical and temple work and other assistance to Latter-day Saints." A few are ADC experiences.


Hans Holzer: Hans is a popular writer and lecturer on extrasensory perception (ESP), paranormal experiences, and other topics of parapsychology. He presents in-depth descriptions and analysis of a wide range of ADCs in his popular book, Life After Death: The Challenge and The Evidence, and several more in the first half of his most recent book, Life Beyond.


Lone Jensen: Originally from Denmark, her book, Gifts of Grace - A Gathering of Personal Encounters with the Virgin Mary, contains 41 firsthand accounts from people who have had an encounter with the Blessed Mother. In one, RoseAnn Procopio reports that her deceased grandfather and the Blessed Mother appeared to her during a sleep-state ADC when she was thirteen years old. Her grandfather also placed a beautiful gold medal with an image of the Madonna in RoseAnn's hand and tightened her fingers around it, which was still closed when she awakened the next morning.


Pamela M. Kircher, M.D.: Pamela reports a near-death experience she had as a little girl in her book, Love Is the Link - A Hospice Doctor Shares Her Experience of Near-Death and Dying. She also describes NDEs many other people have had, and her book contains an entire chapter on ADCs titled "Visitations from Dead Relatives."


Hilary Klein: Hilary is a mental health counselor in Tacoma, Washington. She presented her paper on sleep-state ADC experiences, A Unique Type Of Dream In The Bereavement Process, at the 1994 annual conference of The Association for Death Education and Counseling, in Portland, Oregon.


Joel Martin and Patricia Romanowski: Their book, We Are Not Forgotten, documents the work of the American psychic medium George Anderson. It contains accounts of two ADCs he had with his friend, Father John Papallo, a Franciscan Capuchin priest, and a sleep-state ADC Patricia had with her father before she learned of his death.


Robert A. Monroe: Bob is a researcher and author on the subject of his own and others' out-of-body experiences. He founded The Monroe Institute in Faber, VA to study alternate levels of consciousness and offers workshops on these topics to the general public.

His latest book, Ultimate Journey, contains a chapter on the general subject of OBE ADCS and he briefly describes ADCs he's had with his mother, father, and friends.


Melvin Morse, M.D.: Mel is a pediatrician and the first researcher to conduct a comprehensive study of near-death experiences of children. He cites several ADCs in his books (written with Paul Perry): Closer To The Light and Transformed By The Light.

In his latest book, Parting Visions (written with Paul Perry), he examines a variety of death-related visions, a number of which are ADCs. Mel relates a sleep-state ADC he had with his father who told him to call his answering service. When Mel awoke and made the phone call, he learned from his mother that his father had just died.


Lee Nelson: He has written numerous magazine and newspaper articles, and is the author of several books. Lee, a Mormon, has compiled eighteen firsthand accounts of spiritual experiences of members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in his book, Beyond The Veil – Volume One. These are primarily ADCs and near-death experiences.


Michael Newton: He is a counselor and hypnotherapist whose book, Journey Of Souls, covers "case studies of life between lives." Michael's mother died suddenly from a heart attack, and he briefly describes an ADC he had with her a few hours after her funeral. He also states that his sister had an identical experience at approximately the same time he did, though in a different room of the same house.


Judy Osgood: A bereaved mother herself, Judy has collected 35 accounts of bereaved parents who have survived their devastating loss and pain. The contributors to her short book, Meditations For Bereaved Parents, share many profound insights – and several of their ADCs.


Kenneth Ring: A professor of psychology, Ken is a highly-respected researcher of near-death experiences (NDEs). As he reports in his book, Heading Toward Omega, many people who have an NDE also have ADCs and other kinds of spiritual experiences.


D. Scott Rogo: A writer of numerous books and articles on psychical research, his book, Life After Death, contains two chapters on ADCs. Scott also wrote a chapter on ADCs for the anthology, What Survives? – Contemporary Explorations of Life After Death, edited by Gary Doore, Ph.D. Phone Calls From the Dead – which contains numerous telephone ADCs – was his best-selling title.


Eleanora "Betsy" Ross: Betsy became a widow when her husband died by suicide. She is an author and the founder of Ray of Hope, Inc., a self-help organization for coping with suicide, loss, and grief, in Iowa City, Iowa. Her book, After Suicide: A Ray Of Hope, contains a few examples of ADCs.


David Ryback: David is a clinical psychologist who has taught classes on dreams and similar phenomena. His book, Dreams That Come True, written with Letitia Sweitzer, contains several examples of sleep-state ADCs.


Elsie Sechrist: Elsie, a longtime student and teacher of the Edgar Cayce readings, specialized in dream interpretation. Her book, Death Does Not Part Us, is filled with ADCs and other experiences that confirm Cayce's views on life after death.


Kimberly Clark Sharp: Kim, a social worker in Seattle, is both an experiencer and a researcher of near-death experiences. Her book, After The Light, contains several accounts of ADCs she had following her NDE.


Harold Sherman: A very popular writer on psychic phenomena, Harold developed a special interest in survival after death and the possibility of communication with the deceased. Two of his books, You Live After Death and The Dead Are Alive, contain many examples of ADCs.


Bernie Siegel: He is a cancer specialist, surgeon, lecturer, and author who works with "exceptional cancer patients" – people who are willing to participate in their own healing. Bernie gives several examples of ADCs in his two best-selling books, Love, Medicine & Miracles and Peace, Love & Healing.


Robert C. Smith: He is the author of In The Presence Of Angels which is based upon a research study he conducted with the assistance of the membership of the Association for Research and Enlightenment (ARE) in Virginia Beach. Several of the first-person accounts in his book are actually reports of after-death communications with deceased family members who serve as "angelic influences."


Susy Smith: Susy is an American researcher who has written several books on the general topic of life after death. She presents a number of ADCs in Life Is Forever, including several which are evidential or provide protection to a living person.


Michele Sorensen and David Willmore: These two Mormon researchers have compiled a large variety of spiritual and mystical experiences of members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and published them in their book, The Journey Beyond Life – Volume One. Several of these accounts are ADCs.


Allen Spraggett: He is a Canadian minister, newspaper columnist, and author who has written several books on parapsychology. He provides a variety of evidence for life after death, including several excellent examples of ADCs, in his book, The Case for Immortality.


Brad Steiger: Brad is a teacher and author of over one hundred books on metaphysical subjects. Though his latest book, One With The Light, is primarily about near-death experiences, it also contains several ADC accounts as well.


Cherie Sutherland, Ph.D.: Cherie researched the ADCs of bereaved parents in Australia and published her book, Beloved Visitors: Parents Tell of After-Death Visits from Their Children, via Bantam Books, Australia in 1997. Cherie is also author of several other books, including Transformed by the Light, reflecting her NDE research.


Brian Weiss, M.D.: An American psychiatrist who utilizes hypnosis in his practice, Brian has written two books on the healing value of past life regression therapy, Many Lives, Many Masters and Through Time Into Healing. They contain many accounts of past life and in-between-life memories and some ADC experiences.


Ian Wilson: Ian, an English researcher, examines a wide variety of evidence for life after death in his book, The After Death Experience. While he discredits several forms of such evidence, he presents many fine examples of near-death experiences and ADCs.

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