Factual ADCs in Books
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Many well-known people have had at least one after-death communication experience. This is a partial list of those who have had an ADC and also had the courage to share it with the public. It is by no means complete, for many who have had one are not willing to reveal it. Nor have we found every account that has been published. As you'll notice, these people represent very diverse backgrounds and fields of interest.


Rosemary Altea: An English psychic and medium, she recounts in her book, The Eagle And The Rose, how she made an out-of-body journey to visit Margery, a patient of hers who had just died of cancer. Rosemary was delighted to see Margery being reunited with her deceased family members immediately after she made her transition.


Alicia Appleman-Jurman: Her autobiography, Alicia: My Story, describes her survival as a young Jewish girl in Poland during the German and Russian occupations of World War II.

Shortly after being killed by the Gestapo, her mother appears to Alicia in a sleep-state ADC. She warns her daughter to leave the forest where she is hiding, and encourages her to live. Upon awakening, Alicia still feels her mother's touch on her hands.


Barbara Lazear Ascher: In her exquisite book, Landscape Without Gravity, Barbara chronicles her grief following the death of her 31-year-old brother, Bobby, of complications from AIDS. On the first anniversary of his death, she and her husband, Bob, are sitting on a bench beneath a chokecherry tree where her brother's ashes are buried. Suddenly, a vibrant, garish kite flies toward their faces, before it rises over their heads and disappears in the distance.

But no string is attached to the kite, no one is controlling it. Remembering Bobby's humor and playfulness, they turn to each other, simultaneously exclaiming, "Bobby! That was Bobby!" as they laugh and cry and hold each other tightly.


H. A. Baker: A Christian missionary, he founded the Adullam Rescue Mission in Kotchiu, China and opened the door of his Adullam Home to about 40 teenage boys who were street beggars. As he reports in his book, Visions Beyond The Veil, some of the boys received "outpourings of the Holy Spirit" and saw deceased relatives and friends of theirs in heaven.


Barbara Bernstein: Barbara became a bereaved mother when her 34-year-old daughter, Vicki, died of cancer. Her book, Lost And Found, describes her beliefs about life after death and contains several brief accounts of ADCs with Vicki and others.


Betty Bethards: Betty is a spiritual healer, meditation teacher, psychic, and author. She shares her own near-death experience, several ADCs, and other spiritual events of her life in her book, There Is No Death.

Betty's oldest son, Wayne, who was killed in Vietnam, made a full appearance and spoke to her. Her second son, Chris, who died in a motorcycle accident, also communicated with Betty.


Melody Beattie: Author of the best-selling book, Codependent No More, Melody became a bereaved mother when her 12-year-old son, Shane, was killed in a skiing accident. She chronicles her bereavement and healing in her recent book, The Lessons of Love. Apparently she felt Shane's presence once when she had completed a crossword puzzle, and she believes her son sent her an African Gray parrot, named Max, to help her overcome her grief.


Iris Bolton: Iris is the Executive Director of The Link Counseling Center, Atlanta, GA and a therapist. She wrote My Son ... My Son ... A Guide to Healing After Death, Loss, or Suicide after her 20-year-old son, Mitch, took his own life. She asks her deceased son for "a gift" (a sign) and receives a very meaningful and healing symbolic ADC in the form of a "dream."


Joan Borysenko: Joan is an author, cell biologist, psychologist, instructor of yoga and meditation, and a popular speaker on the topic of healing. Her recent book, Fire In the Soul, contains a brief account of Wade Boggs, a well-known baseball player on the Boston Red Sox. Both Wade and his sister had separate ADCs in which their deceased mother appeared to them.


Dannion Brinkley: He is best known as the man who was struck by lightning and had two near-death experiences, which were recounted in his best-selling book, Saved By The Light. Dannion's second book, At Peace In The Light, reports a few ADC experiences.


Mary T. Browne: Mary is a professional psychic and spiritual healer in New York City. She has had numerous contacts with her deceased relatives and friends by means of sleep-state ADCs, out-of-body ADCs, and ADC visions ever since she was only seven years old, which she describes in her book, Mary T. Reflects On The Other Side. Her earlier book, Love In Action, also contains a couple of ADC accounts.


Frederick Buechner: A Presbyterian minister and author of numerous books, he gave a talk at The New York Public Library in 1987 titled, Faith and Fiction, that is contained in the book, Spiritual Quests, edited by William Zinsser. About two months after his friend, Dudley, died, Frederick had a sleep-state ADC in which Dudley was wearing a navy blue jersey while standing in the bedroom. When he asked, "Are you really there, Dudley … Can you prove it?" his friend took a piece of blue wool from his jersey and tossed it to him. When Frederick told his wife about his ADC the next morning, she said that she had seen a strand of blue wool on the floor of the bedroom – and that she was certain it hadn't been there the night before.

Taylor Caldwell: One of America's most popular novelists, she had a symbolic ADC that appears in The Search For A Soul – Taylor Caldwell's Psychic Lives by Jess Stearn. Before he died, her husband of forty years, Marcus Reback, promised to give her a sign.

Three days after his death, a shrub of Resurrection Lilies in their backyard blooms for the first time since it was planted twenty-one years earlier. Eighteen buds burst open, giving off a joyous fragrance.


Earlyne Chaney:Formerly a Hollywood actress, Earlyne has had a variety of spiritual experiences which she relates in her book, Remembering – The Autobiography Of A Mystic.

Her boyfriend, Marvin, a World War II pilot and hero, makes a full appearance to her with a brief message shortly after his death in an aircraft accident. His sister, Marge, also has ADCs with him.


Inga L. Chesney: A writer and author, Inga was widowed when her husband of twenty-two years, Robert W. Chesney, died of a heart attack. Her book, Love Song From Beyond, describes telepathic messages she received from Bob for over six months following his death.


Fay Marvin Clark: After having a near-death experience in 1935 following an automobile accident, Fay became a spiritual seeker and writer. In his book, Into The Light, he describes ADC experiences he had with his deceased brother, Frank, and his deceased wife, Adeline. He states that she appeared to him several times and they communicated extensively by telepathy.


Michael Crichton: Best known as an author of science fiction books, including The Andromeda Strain, Michael describes his father's death in his autobiography, Travels.

He feels his father's presence at the funeral home, and knows he's there. Michael is equally certain he doesn't sense his father the next day at the funeral home, during the church service, or at the cemetery.


Sri Daya Mata: She is the president and spiritual head of Self-Realization Fellowship / Yogoda Satsanga Society of India, which was founded by Paramahansa Yogananda in 1920; he wrote the best-selling book, Autobiography Of A Yogi (see his name below). She saw the soul leave the body of her beloved Guru when he died in 1952, and later she had an ADC with him and received important guidance while she was meditating.


Lois Duncan: An author of thirty-nine novels for young adults, Lois recounts several ADCs during her real-life search for the truth behind the unsolved murder of her eighteen-year-old daughter, Kaitlyn, in her book, Who Killed My Daughter?


Wayne W. Dyer: A psychotherapist and author, Wayne wrote of visiting his father's grave in You'll See It When You Believe It. He states he is "almost certain" that his father was in the cemetery with him.

He was able to release his anger and hatred of the man who had abandoned his family when Wayne was only two years old. He forgave his father, resolved his relationship with him, and felt a new kind of peace. Wayne wrote his first best-selling book, Your Erroneous Zones, shortly afterwards.


Betty J. Eadie: Betty reported the longest account of a near-death experience that has ever been published in her best-selling book, Embraced By The Light. Her sequel, The Awakening Heart, contains several accounts of ADCs, including one in which she heard the voice of her daughter, Cynthia, more than twenty years after she had died of sudden infant death syndrome when she was three months old.


Aiko Gibo: Regarded as "Japan's foremost psychic," Aiko documents her abilities in her book, Finding Your Guardian Spirit. Her auditory and visual ADC experiences began when she was six years old, after her friend and classmate, Ayako, died of a sudden illness. She also has ongoing auditory communication with her two deceased brothers and her deceased mother, and has had a sleep-state ADC with a deceased female cousin.


Elizabeth Glaser: Author of In The Absence Of Angels and wife of actor/director Paul Michael Glaser, she received blood transfusions after the birth of their daughter, Ariel, in 1981. Elizabeth, Ariel, and their second child, Jake, later tested HIV positive. Ariel contracted the AIDS virus from her mother's breast milk and died at age 7.

Her book contains brief descriptions of several ADCs she had with her daughter. Elizabeth founded the Pediatric AIDS Foundation, Santa Monica, CA – (213) 395-9051.


Robert J. Grant: Rob, a hospice volunteer, chronicles his relationship with David, a young patient dying of AIDS who was assigned to him, in his book, Love & Roses From David. Rob was given a very large rose from David's garden, but it had no scent. The next day David died and the rose filled the house with its aroma. Both Rob and his mother believe it was a sign from David letting them know he was okay.


Helen Greaves: Her close friend, Frances Banks, had been an Anglican nun for twenty-five years before she died of cancer. Helen saw Frances during her memorial service and, much later, during a meditation service in a chapel.

Helen's entire book, Testimony Of Light, was dictated to her telepathically by Frances after her death. It provides an excellent description of her experiences in the afterlife and is extremely uplifting.


Editors Of Guideposts: His Mysterious Ways - Volume II is an anthology of spiritual experiences originally published in Guideposts magazine. This inspiring book contains these three ADC accounts:

Thank You, Billie by Grayce Shapiro – Early one morning Grayce placed a tea kettle on her gas stove and fell asleep. Her deceased husband, Billie, alerted her in a sleep-state ADC that she was in danger. She awoke immediately and found that the stove's pilot light was off and her kitchen was filled with gas.

Her Mother's Voice by Lois Bunker Woods – When she was an 18-month-old toddler, Lois was about to drink an arsenic solution that was used on the dairy farm that was her home. Her recently deceased grandmother alerted her mother to this imminent danger through an auditory ADC. Her mother followed the voice and dashed outside – just in time to protect Lois from drinking this deadly poison.

Everything Will Be All Right by Ruth Whittet – Ruth's young husband, Jim, is dying of cancer. In a sleep-state ADC, she sees Jim's mother and Aunt Charlotte, both deceased, standing next to her husband's bed. Ruth knows, "they had come to take him home." This is a rare example of a published "Escort to the Light" experience.


Hashi-Hanta: A woman of the Choctaw Nation, her book, Pathway To The Spirit World, is primarily about her near-death experience, though it also contains a pet ADC. After her poodle, Chum Boy, dies when she is out of town, he returns to visit her to say goodbye twice. She is wide awake when she sees him run into her bedroom, jump up onto her bed, and into her arms. She holds him briefly both times and notices he is younger and fully restored to health.


Louise Hauck: Louise is a clairvoyant spiritual counselor and psychic, making her home in NYC, and her autobiography, Beyond Boundaries, contains several references to ADCs. She also feels the presence of her deceased parents and describes a delightful experience in which she relayed a message from her mother to her seven-year-old son, Dylan. Her latest book is Heart-Links, and both books available at the ADC Bookstore.


Kenneth T. Hurst: Following a distinguished career in publishing, including President of Prentice-Hall International, Ken relates a full appearance by his mother in his book, Live Life First Class!

She came to him looking as she had in her youth, wearing clothes of the 1920s. His mother stood next to his bed and beamed a lovely radiant smile at him. The next morning, he learned by phone that she had died in England at the exact time she appeared in him in America.


David Hyatt: David is a former president of the National Conference of Christians and Jews. His book, Your Life And Love Beyond Death, contains a 7-page account of an ADC – a full appearance with extensive two-way communication – he had with his 53-year-old father who died of encephalitis.


Gerald Jampolsky: A best-selling author and popular lecturer, Jerry is the founder of The Center for Attitudinal Healing in Tiburon, California. The book he wrote with his wife, Diane Cirincione, Change Your Mind, Change Your Life, briefly describes two ADC accounts.

In one, a bereaved mother feels the presence of her two deceased children who died of cancer. In the other, Jerry quotes Elisabeth Kübler-Ross who had her first ADC when she was only six years old – she felt the presence of a little girl who died during the night while they were together in the same room in a hospital.


Carl G. Jung: A renowned psychiatrist who founded his own school of psychology, he relates a meditative ADC in his book, Memories, Dreams, Reflections.

While awake in bed one night, Carl feels the presence and has "an inner visual image" of a friend who died recently. At the man's insistence, Carl follows him (in his mind) to the man's home and into his library. His friend shows him the second of five books with red covers that are on a high shelf, and the ADC ends.

Filled with curiosity, Carl visits his friend's library the next day. He stands on a stool to examine the five red volumes and finds they are novels written by Emile Zola. The second one is titled, The Legacy Of The Dead.


Morton Kelsey: Well-known as a writer of books on Christianity, he reports an ADC his mother had with a male friend when she was a teenager. His book, Afterlife, contains a chapter, The Evidence for Survival After Death, which examines near-death experiences, ADCs, death-bed visions, and similar phenomena.


Diane M. Komp: Diane is a pediatric oncologist who teaches and practices at the Yale University School of Medicine. Her book, A Window To Heaven, recounts how she developed her faith while working with dying children and hearing their spiritual experiences, some of which are ADCs.


Elisabeth Kübler-Ross: A world-famous psychiatrist, lecturer, and author, her book, On Death And Dying, is a classic on caring for the terminally ill. The following account appears in A Practical Guide To Death & Dying by John White.

When Elisabeth almost quit her research because of professional opposition, one of her deceased patients, Mary Schwartz, made a full appearance to her. They had a two-way conversation that convinced Elisabeth to continue her pioneering work. Mary also signed a note to her minister, Rennie Gaines, who had helped her when she was dying.

Elisabeth devoted an entire chapter of her book, On Children and Death, to the spiritual experiences of her young patients. She gives several examples of ADCs, near-death experiences, and the like.


Michael Landon: A very popular actor, director, and writer, Michael had an ADC with his deceased father which is reported in the book, Hollywood And The Supernatural by Sherry Hansen-Steiger and Brad Steiger.

While kneeling before his father's coffin, Michael felt his dad touch his shoulder and heard him say, "It's okay, kid. Don't worry. I'm fine. Everything is going to be all right."


Rosamond Lehmann: An English author of several novels, a collection of short stories, and a play, Rosamond became a bereaved mother when her 23-year-old daughter, Sally, died in Indonesia of poliomyelitis in 1958. Her book, The Swan In The Evening - Fragments of an Inner Life, briefly outlines her spiritual quest and ADCs she has had with Sally.


C. S. Lewis: A scholar, professor, and author of more than fifty books on religion, fantasy, and science fiction, he details his grief as a widower in his journal, A Grief Observed.

After his wife, Joy, dies of cancer, he has "an instantaneous, unanswerable impression of her presence, and experiences "the impression of her mind." Earlier in life, he felt "the ubiquitous presence" of his deceased friend, Charles Williams.


Carl Lewis: Carl is one of America's foremost track and field athletes. He won eight gold medals in the 1984, 1988, and 1992 Olympics.

As he relates in his book, Inside Track, the night before he ran the 100 meter race in the 1988 Olympics in Seoul, Korea, his mother, Evelyn, has a sleep-state ADC with his deceased father, William. William assured her that "Everything would be all right," and repeated this a second time.

Ben Johnson wins the race and Carl places second. Carl is later awarded the gold medal when Ben is disqualified for failing a drug test, thus fulfilling his father's prophetic message.


Shirley MacLaine: An actress, entertainer, and author, Shirley reveals her spiritual journey in a series of best-selling books, including, Out On A Limb, Dancing In The Light, and It's All In The Playing. She recounts several ADCs and other types of spiritual experiences in this intimate trilogy. Shirley feels the presence of her friend, Peter Sellers, before she's informed of his death. She also sees her deceased lover, Gerry, in her mind and has a two-way conversation with him.


Stella Terrill Mann: A lecturer and author of inspirational books, she began a 3-year investigation of life after death when her husband, Herbert, died following a traffic accident. Her book, Beyond The Darkness, recounts a variety of ADCs she had with her husband, as well as spiritual experiences she collected from others.


Justin Matott: His mother made a full appearance and communicated by telepathy as she sat on his bed the night she died. Justin also felt her presence and received messages from her while she visited him during the next few years, usually while he was gardening, that he describes in his book, My Garden Visits.


Ruth Montgomery: She was a nationally syndicated political columnist and a distinguished Washington correspondent who became interested in paranormal phenomena. She reports several secondhand ADCs in her book, A Search For The Truth. Another of her books, A World Beyond, contains messages from her deceased friend, the famous American psychic and medium, Arthur Ford.


David Morrell: Formerly a professor of American literature, David is best-known as an author, and for creating the movie character, John Rambo. His book, Fireflies, narrates the struggle of his fifteen-year old son, Matthew, who dies of complications during cancer therapy.

David sees "a swirling cluster" of small lights, one of which is Matthew, and they communicate with each other twice. David also describes a symbolic ADC with a dove that occurs during his son's funeral.


George S. Patton, Jr.: In his book, Before The Colors Fade, Fred Ayer, Jr. reports two ADC experiences his uncle, General George S. Patton, Jr. revealed to him.

When General Patton was pinned down by machine-gun fire during the Battle of the Argonne in World War I, he saw his deceased grandfather and great-uncles in the sky looking down on him with disapproval. This inspired him to draw his revolver and rally 300 infantrymen in a tank attack against the Germans, for which he later received the Distinguished Service Cross.

General Patton also briefly described several occasions when his father, who died of tuberculosis in 1927, visited him in his tent in the evenings, in France during World War II. The two man sat down and talked, and his father assured him he would act bravely and perform well in the next day's battle. The general said about his father, "He was just as real as in his study at home...."


Norman Vincent Peale: A highly-respected minister and author of the best-seller, The Power Of Positive Thinking, he narrates five personal mystical experiences in his autobiography, The True Joy Of Positive Living. These include three ADCs with his deceased parents, and one ADC with his deceased brother.

On one occasion he feels his mother's hands on his head, and another time he feels her presence and receives a message from her. He sees his father smiling and singing during a religious assembly. And while speaking to an audience, he sees his brother, Bob, in a vision. He feels these experiences have enhanced his ability to assist people who are grieving.


J. B. Phillips: A canon of the Episcopal church and Christian writer, he is best known for his translation of the New Testament in Modern English. In his book, The Newborn Christian, John describes two ADCs he had with C. S. Lewis who appeared to him "large as life and twice as natural" and gave him a short message.

John calls such experiences, "the Communion of Saints." He reported his ADCs to a retired bishop who replied, "My dear John, this sort of thing is happening all the time."


Jan Price: Jan is the wife of well-known author John Randolph Price. Though her book, The Other Side Of Death, is primarily about her own near-death experience, she recounts a variety of after-death communications as well.


Bobbie Probstein: Her story, All I Remember, is featured in the best-selling inspirational book, Chicken Soup for the Soul, written and compiled by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen.

Five years after her mother died of Alzheimer's disease, Bobbie saw her mother's face and smelled her Joy perfume. Bobbie said, "Oh, Mother, I'm so sorry that you had to suffer with that horrible disease." And her mother smiled and replied, "But all I remember is love."

Bobbie reports in her book, Return To Center, a long ADC experience her husband, Larry, had with his father who had died five and one-half years earlier from a massive heart attack. It's especially interesting because Larry had not believed in the possibility of such phenomena before.


Anne Puryear: Anne is a minister, counselor, writer, and co-founder of the Logos Center in Scottsdale, Arizona. Her book, Stephen Lives! describes the life and death by suicide of her 15-year-old son, Stephen, and the extensive after-death communications she has received from him. This is one of the most detailed, informative, and best written books on the subject of personal after-death communication experiences.


Lobsang Rampa: A Tibetan lama from the Potala Monastery in Lhasa, he recounts his life in a series of books. In his second book, Doctor From Lhasa, he describes learning of the death of his spiritual guide, Lama Mingyar Dondup, who makes a full appearance to him before he knew his teacher had been stabbed to death and killed.


Adela Rogers St. Johns: Adela has been a reporter and writer for the Hearst newspapers, a lecturer and teacher of journalism, and an author of numerous books and short stories. She includes many ADCs and other experiences dealing with "life beyond death" in her marvelous book, No Good-Byes.

Adela discloses mental conversations she's has with her close friend, Clark Gable, after he dies – and how he directs her to give a dozen red roses from him to Gloria Swanson on her eightieth birthday.


Theodore Roosevelt: On his first day in the White House as the 26th President of the United States, he felt his father's presence and his hand on his shoulder as he signed his first official papers.

That evening, as his sisters and their husbands attended dinner, each of the men was presented with a yellow saffonia rose. President Roosevelt exclaimed with surprise, "Isn't that strange! This is the rose we all connect with our father."

As reported in Theodore Roosevelt - A Life by Nathan Miller, this date would also have been the 70th birthday of the President's deceased father.


Joy Snell: Joy grew up in Ireland, became a nurse in England, and had an extraordinary series of spiritual experiences which she recounts in her book, The Ministry Of Angels. She was frequently at the bedside of a dying patient and saw the deceased family members and friends who came to assist their loved one in making his or her transition. Joy also describes many out-of-body ADCs she had with her mother, father, brother, and others.


Rebecca Springer: Her uplifting book, Within Heaven's Gates, seems to be a firsthand account of an extremely long out-of-body experience in Heaven. Rebecca relates her joyous reunions with many of her deceased relatives and friends, and she describes much of the beauty, love, and peace she sees there.


Merton & Irene Strommen: Mert is a research psychologist and Irene teaches peer counseling and parenting in Minnesota. Their 25-year-old son, David, was killed when he was struck by lightning while he was jogging in the Colorado Rockies. Their book, Five Cries of Grief, contains several ADCs and references to research on this topic.


Anice Terhune: An American author, musician, and composer, Anice describes a variety of ADCs she had with her husband of 40 years, Albert Payson Terhune, in her book, Across The Line. Actually Bert dictated much of this book to her, telepathically, after his death in 1942.


Linda Trimmer: Linda, a bereaved mother, collected symbolic ADC accounts involving butterflies. Her short booklet, Flutter Bys, is a compilation of these stories.


Jill Truman: Jill was widowed with 4 young children when her husband, Tony, died unexpectedly of an illness. Her short, candid book, Letter to My Husband – Notes About Mourning and Recovery, includes brief accounts of feeling his presence.


Sheldon Vanauken: In his acclaimed autobiographical book, A Severe Mercy, he writes of his loving relationship with his wife, Davy, their pilgrimage and conversion to Christianity, and their friendship with C. S. Lewis.

Sheldon also writes of the illness and death of his beloved wife, and of the grief and healing he undergoes following his loss. He provides a detailed account of a sleep-state ADC with her, one with communication, that he calls "a vision dream."


Gloria Vanderbilt: A successful clothing designer and member of the famous Vanderbilt family, she became a bereaved mother when her younger son, Carter, fell to his death. In her book, A Mother's Story, she sees a blue light when her eyes are closed and feels it is her deceased son. She also feels his presence on a number of occasions.


RaNelle Wallace: Her book, The Burning Within, is primarily about her near-death experience and her recovery from the incredible burns she sustained during an airplane accident. RaNelle also briefly refers to feeling the presence of her deceased grandmother, who she felt was smiling.


William Wharton: A popular novelist, he became a bereaved father when his 36-year-old daughter, Kate, her husband, Bill (Bert), and their two daughters, Dayiel and Mia, were killed in a multi-vehicle accident in Oregon in 1988 caused by smoke from crop burning. In his book, Ever After, he describes a very vivid sleep-state ADC he had with his son-in-law, daughter, and two grandchildren, which dramatically reduced his grief the day before their funeral. And, at the end of the book, he reports a long series of symbolic ADCs he and several witnesses had with an unknown species of bird that he calls "Katiebird."


Geri Colozzi Wiitala: Formerly a teacher and counselor in the public school system, Geri became a bereaved mother when her 17-year-old daughter, Heather, died of complications related to cancer. Her book, Heather's Return, is filled with a large variety of ADC experiences she, family members, and friends had with Heather and with other deceased loved ones. Of special interest is the fact that Geri had belonged to a conservative Christian church which does not allow for ADCs, and she had to let go of her old belief system in order to accept her new, ongoing personal experiences.


Olga & Ambrose Worrall: They chronicle their spiritual healing ministry in their book, The Gift Of Healing, and include several ADCs they've had. She sees the souls leaving the bodies of their infant twins – and later sees her deceased sister, Edith, holding the twins in her arms, saying, "... they are happy and in her care."

An interview with Olga Worrall is contained in the book, The Secret Life Of Kids, by James W. Peterson. Olga describes her on-going childhood ADC experiences and offers advice to parents.


Rebecca Zinn: She is a clinical psychologist and author of Stardust. The morning after her father's death, Becca feels a touch on her shoulder while she is jogging. Turning around, she sees her Dad and they have a telepathic conversation.

He promises to help her in the future, adding, "I will be with you always." By the end of this ADC, Becca feels, "the most profound peace and ecstasy" she has ever known. She has further conversations with her father in the future.

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