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The American Journal of Hospice Care: July/August 1988 Sensory-perceptual experiences of bereaved individuals - Additional cues for survivors by Alice J. Longman, RN, EdD; Bonnie Lindstrom, RN, MEd; and Michele Clark, RN, MS. A presentation of experiences reported by survivors who became bereaved when a loved one died with the assistance of St. Mary's Hospice, Tucson, Arizona.


Association for the Study of Dreams Newsletter: Volume 12, No. 1, Winter, 1995 Dream Messages From The Dead by Patricia Garfield, Ph.D. Based upon a lecture she gave and her next book which has the same title, this article surveys a variety of dreams of the bereaved. It seems to report a mixture of ordinary dreams and actual sleep-state ADCs, though they are not differentiated.


Creativity in Death Education and Counseling: published by The Forum for Death Education and Counseling 1983 Exploring Paranormal Experiences of the Bereaved by Bonnie Lindstrom, RN, MEd. This article was presented at the Fifth Annual Conference of The Forum for Death Education and Counseling, September, 1982. The author conducted pioneering research on ADCs and led workshops on this subject throughout the United States. She is currently the executive director of a hospice in Arizona.


Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion: June, 1973 Phenomenological Reality and Post-Death Contact by Richard A. Kalish and David K. Reynolds – A study of 434 people of black, Japanese, Mexican, and European origin who were living in Greater Los Angeles. Approximately 44% claimed to have had encounters with others who were known to be deceased.


Journal of the American Geriatrics Society: Volume 33, Number 8, August 1985 Hallucinations of Widowhood by P. Richard Olson, MD; Joe A. Suddeth, MA; Patricia J. Peterson, BA; and Claudia Egelhoff, MSPH. This article reports a study of the residents of two nursing homes in Asheville, North Carolina who reported having hallucinations of their deceased spouse. The authors conclude a better word should be used to replace "hallucinations."


Omega: Journal of Death and Dying: Volume 29, Number 3, 1994 Reflections On Death By Spiritually Mature Elders by L. Eugene Thomas. Mr. Thomas interviewed a number of elderly English men and women regarding their beliefs and feelings about death. One of them, Martha Bancroft, a 78-year-old artist, reported that she felt the presence of her father for years following his death when she was twenty years old. Because she knew "he was not dead, but alive," this experience explained and strengthened her belief in the resurrection of Jesus.


Omega: Journal of Death and Dying: Volume 24 (2), 1991-92 Through A Glass Darkly: Images Of The Dead In Dreams by Deirdre Barrett, PhD. Dr. Barrett examines various types of dreams people reported that included a loved one who had died.


Omega: Journal of Death and Dying: Volume 19 (2), 1988-89 Survey Of Claimed Encounters With The Dead by Erlendur Haraldsson. The author presents the findings of a research study conducted in Iceland in which " 31 percent of respondents reported 'having perceived the presence of a deceased person.'"


Omega: Journal of Death and Dying: Volume 19 (1), 1988-89 Correlates Of Sensing The Presence Of A Deceased Spouse by Sherry Simon-Buller, MS; Victor A. Christopherson, EdD; and Randall A. Jones, PhD. These three researchers discuss a study of widows in Arizona who sensed the presence of their deceased husband.


Omega: Journal of Death and Dying: Volume 11 (2), 1980-81 Clinical Notes Regarding The Experience of 'Presences' In Mourning by Michael F. Hoyt, PhD. Dr. Hoyt describes several cases in which someone sensed the presence of a deceased loved one during his mourning process.


Spiritual Frontiers: Volume XXVII, Number 3, Summer, 1995 Visitations Near The Moment Of Death by Alice P. Freeborg. Alice recounts two ADC experiences she has had. In the first one, she was driving her car when she felt the presence and received a message just after her sister-in-law, Linda, died in 1981. During the second one, Alice was in meditation in 1994 when she saw and received a message from a family friend, Jack, who she had not seen for fourteen years.


Spiritual Frontiers: Volume XXVI, Number 3, Summer, 1994 My Proof Of Survival by Kathrin E. Gordon, is the first story in the article, Heaven Is Real! – Three Members Report. Kathrin heard her deceased mother call her name several times, then smelled the fragrance of roses filling her bedroom, which had been her mother's favorite flower.

Earlier issues of this quarterly journal published by Spiritual Frontiers Fellowship International also contain accounts of ADCs, as does their newsletter from time to time.

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