Sometimes they seem to know
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From: Denise
Date: Sunday, August 02, 2020 7:37 AM
Subject: Sometimes they seem to know
Three weeks ago a young woman who my daughters best friend knew from school died when the car she was a passenger in hit a giant pole, she told me she loved God and was a very loving kind girl . The last thing she posted on a social media page she told me was how much she loved others and was “going to go higher with God” - at the time she wrote this she would’ve had no conscious way of knowing how literal her words would prove to be, 2 days later riding in someone’s car they lost control and hit a pole, there were no other cars involved and the two others in the car she was on survived but she passed immediately at the scene going higher with God literally. I don’t know her parents but if you can pls say a prayer for them she was only 23, my daughter told me how she was known for being loving even to those she didn’t know she would help them. Did a tiny subconscious part of her know when she posted two days earlier she wanted to be more loving and was going to “go higher with God”? I drove by the site the other day where her picture and some flowers and signs are and I could feel her sweet spirit for a glimpse as I drove by I broke down and cried even tho I never met her she was so young and sounds like such a sweetheart, at least she didn’t suffer she died immediately. It makes me wonder bc a year before my dad passed when he wasn’t sick on a ordinary day having lunch with him, he had asked if I wanted to meet up at a burger place to have lunch and after we sat down and were just chatting he got serious out of the blue and quietly began to tell me he wanted me to always know how much he loved me, he was making eye contact and for about 10-15 minutes was telling me all this that I wondered why was he suddenly on a casual lunch meeting seem to put his food down and was going over memories of when I was a baby and that he needed me to remember how much he loved me—- it started to have kind of a goodbye sound to it I asked him if everything was ok and he he just roused back to eating and saying sure I just want you to know. Even tho he was very loving it wasn’t like him to talk so serious like that. I think sometimes people have a kind of minoring without consciously knowing if that makes sense but I had to share her last post I was astounded honestly the literal meaning how it turned out

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