I love your website. I'd love to read your book, Hello from Heaven, but since I'm blind, I don't have access to it. Could you consider sometime putting it out as an audio book? Thanks.
Fitchburg, Massachusetts, United States
November 5, 2006
haven't read it but would like to.
October 15, 2006
My daughters boyfriend Spc. Brad Sisitki Jr committed suicide last Friday -Oct 6, 2006. It has been so hard, as we have no clue as to why. He had everything going for him, great job, great loving family, honor student, never did drugs or alcohol, loved my daughter to death, Jr ROTC back ground & was in the Army National Guard and loved it. But we have been given Soooo many signs since that it was just his time to go and teach others.
October 14, 2006
One of my sons died 12 years ago. His name is Joshua Richard Peralta and I can't remember how long ago I put his name on your site. My mom died MOnday nite and I wanted to add her as well, however I cannot figure out how to do it...will you please help me?
October 12, 2006
i lost my sweet mom, suddenly 10 days ago. I can't get over the grief.
Massachusetts, United States
October 7, 2006
I cannot seem to get into any of your chat rooms. I lost my son 1 year ago to suicide, and would really like to connect with others, who may have had similar events, and/or to help others if there is any way I can. Thank you.
Lynn Haven, Florida, United States
September 27, 2006
In Memory of Corey Udell Age 6 http://www.mychristiansite.com/personal/coreynu/1Home.html
Ohio, United States
September 26, 2006
Seek after God duringthese times and always. Our 6 year old was overdosed in the hospital and died. Leaving back his identical twin brother. I promise it gets easier through time. I know from experience the peace God will give you. Just seek him with all your heart. He is Faithful. Check out the site I made in memory of my son Corey Udell. I pray it will lift and encourage you. With Love in Christ, Melissa
Ohio, United States
September 26, 2006
Doing a little research and love your website. I lost my only child 2 years ago and I am having a hard time dealing with the loss. I miss him so much and there is not one day that I not think about him. Not having a communication with him makes me so sad especially during the holidays. Now in my life my husband and I do try to do things together but there is that emptiness inside me. Thank you for sharing and God Bless
Hagatna, Guam
September 25, 2006
I think that your site is great and I love the musical touch on it.I had a father in law die right before our second daugher was born and I will say to this day he was there when she was born and it weird thing is she was named after him and she acts like he did also. It sounds odd I know but after reading some things on your site I now know that I am not the only one who has had a ADC.Thanks Taunia Rients.
Wheatfield, Indiana, United States
September 24, 2006