Guest Book - 2006
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Dearest Steve, You know that you never completed me because I was already completee you made me a better me and allowed me to me the Will that you knew I could be. Now As you know the worst thing that could of ever happened to me did On December 27, 2005 I came home from work to find you what I hoped would be only passed out. But ever calling 911 and looking at you I knew what they were going to tell me. The worst words in the English language I'm sorry its to late. I have spent a lot of time reflecting on the 8 years we had together. I remember the first time we met I?m sure I told you this I knew we were going to be together forever. That first day we had two dates in one day I still remember what we did talked about and to eat at eat n? park. I could not wait till Friday when I knew you were going to be coming down to Bethany and getting to spend the weekend with you doing nothing at all. I did not mind being a home body cause my life and everything was wraped up in you. For awhile there I did and after sometime I realized and decided that going out was to find what we already had at home. Then came my birthday and with the first gift you knew better then I knew myself. I still remember the year for Valentine?s Day I got my ring and how you gave me clues to the ring. Then of course I remember when and where I gave you your ring and how I could not wait till you were not even off the plane to open the box. To me the gift that meant so much were the cards because I know you just like had to get the words right. But then again there were times that the look just said it all. The little jokes we had back and forth using lines from movies. I remember the first time you took me to Rehoboth and we saw Christopher Peterson perform his act and then came the show that he closed as Judy Garland signing Somewhere Over the Rainbow and how you just let me lean on you and everyone in the room disappeared. I remember how it took me to beg you to tell when you had a bad day because you felt guilty dumping that on me. But I wanted and we did share everything. There are so many stories to share for now I want to keep close to my heart and when the world gets to rough and people just do not want to understand that I have something and they don?t. One thing is for sure honey you helped to surround me with some of the BEST FRIENDS and people to me help through this time, Angela, Isisha Calvin Beth,Mark, Howard, Buster, and the rest of the staff at Schenley. Then of course my Mom, Sister, Betsey, Jared, American Eagle Staff and our Bartender Matt and his fiance Rebecca and other friends of the family, and of course who can forget our Alain. I look forward to giving you he send off you would of wanted toasting and drinking LONG ISLAND ICED TEAS and our Place Tuscany Love Your Pumpkin Will
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
January 1, 2006
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