Guest Book - 2000
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I lost my son steven last year of cancer I hope you don, t mind me sharing this link with your readers it gave me a lot of comfort. thank you, karen thank you, karen.
karen shaw
United States
December 30, 2000
The first time I left a comment on this site was about a month and a half after my husband was killed in a Bad Truck accident. I feel that the LORD and michael granted me my wish, in that Michael came back to me at least 5 times the second week after his death. Almost every night there was some sort of comunnication from Michael for 5 nights in a row! It has quieted down since then, but as in John Edward'S book, he says that no matter how slight the contact you must be open and aware of it. Mine have ranged from lights in the bedroom mirror to the trucks that were used at his work at down times, to seeing, in just the blink of an eye, A PICTURE OFF THE VIDEO TAPE, thatwas taken at his service. THAT HE WAS IN! HE WAS NOT IN THE PICTURE BEFORE, AND IS STILL NOT IN IT! So if your down just look around you. Thank you GOD for allowing Mike to keep in touch with me when I'm down and Thank Bill and Judy and John Edward for the information in their books to alert me to the signs from Michael.
New Castle, Colorado, United States
December 30, 2000
I cannot believe how wonderful "Hello From Heaven" is. I am reading it for the 3rd time and have handed it to many friends to read and have suggested they get themselves a copy. Wonderful and encouraging reading. Thank you.
South Africa
December 28, 2000
Fantastic book, and great site. Will be writting to add my visits real soon.
Florida, United States
December 28, 2000
No Comment
Jackson, New Jersey, United States
December 28, 2000
What a beautiful site.
Tomball, Texas, United States
December 27, 2000
Thank you for being here...sharing hope, peace and love...In my duality, I struggle with knowing spiritually that we are never really apart from those we love but my physical being has troubling believing...It is so hard when you love and miss someone so much...Thank you again for reaffirming my faith...
Denise McBeth
Massachusetts, United States
December 25, 2000
Thank you very much for this beautiful book. My husband and I lost our daughter Amber(age 20) and her son Kiegan(10 months) due to a car accident on April 26, 1999. It has been a devasting time trying to cope. We have been contacted by our daughter on several occasions. Your site is very beautifully done and I visit here often....I don't feel so alone anymore. Thank you again
North Vernon, Indiana, United States
December 23, 2000
This site is a great site with a very good vibe, If anybody is looking for a fully interactive psychic site check out I came across it while surfing, Its well worth a visit.
London, England, United Kingdom
December 22, 2000
To all of you lovely people out there: I just wanted to wish you all a peaceful and loving Holiday season and may the New Year give us all the strength and hope to carry on our existence on earth until we all move on to the light in another world. I am sure our loved ones will be with us in spirit and will share candlelight, warmth and laughter in this special season. We may not be able to feel, hear or smell them BUT THEY ARE WITH US ALL THE TIME! Love and peace to all of you, G*d bless you.
Benfleet, Essex, England, United Kingdom
December 20, 2000
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