Guest Book - 2005
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Two things for sure would be faith and hope. Through him people can come to know God and have something to look forward to.
Projekty Dom?w
April 19, 2005
I stumbled upon you site and was very happy because I recently lost my Father this past January.He was abused in the nursing home he was in and I have been very upset and in the process of reporting it to the State of Ma.I want to learn more about how to communticate with my Father and my Mother who passed away 3 and one half years ago. Please keep me posted. I will join your mailing list also. Thank you. Sincerely, Sue Miller/ Artist By the way I paint lots of Angels
Wharton, New Jersey, United States
April 10, 2005
I am being fascinated about how the West can be spiritual as the East. I am pretty sure the West and East is on its' way to meet the interaction of East and West ideas of the Truth or Spiritual-acceptance. I am from S.Korea. and your spirituality is very similar with Korea. Thank you for your good sharing.
Seoul, Korea, Democratic People's Republic of
April 9, 2005
I am happy to find a web site that expresses the belief that life doesn't end with one's "Crossing Over". You may not be able to see one in the physical but if you are aware can "see"there presence if you would look.It could be a butterfly, bird or blinking lights. Death is only a door that one passes through to the other side. Richard
Fall River, Massachusetts, United States
April 8, 2005
I was interviewed in the early '90's after the death of my 6 year-old daughter, Brianna. I only heard of the book today from a friend at work. When I saw the authors names I I have to read the book ...I do not claim to understand, but only say that "things" still happen almost every day and our 4 year-old granddaughter does and says the most amazing things that make us wonder if children are perhaps the best "communicators".
Rohnert Park, California, United States
April 4, 2005
hi im here because i have depression and suicide oftens crooses my min is there anywhere on the net to chat about this as i dont want to bother anyone
April 4, 2005
I Heard about your book from a friend. I yet Have to read it. I came upon your website,And I Think this is wonderful.It helped me in so many ways. I Lost My sister and brother 3 months apart, then a month later my brother lost his wife in a car accident. Then last oct. my nephew died following was my father in jan. Life has been very hard but, I have 3 wonderful kids to show me there's more out there. Thank you Donna\warren,mi
warren, Michigan, United States
April 2, 2005
Three years ago my wife died suddenly of a heart attack. I was working in Azerbaijan at the time and did not hear of her death untill about ten hours later. That previous night, at about the time she died (four hour time difference) I was awoken by what I thought was someone touching my arm, I searched the apartment and found nothing and went back to sleep. On the way to work a few hours later I looked for a words to describe what had happened, and the only thing I could come up with was "a visitation" not a word I have ever used before. Untill this time I was a lifelong agnostic. Is there anyone with a similar experience?
April 2, 2005
I think the Guggenheims have done a wonderfully sound job. It personally reminds me of the works of the French astronomer and psychical researcher Camile Flammarion. Especially the stronger cases that involve paranormal communication about facts that were unknown to the person receiving the ADC should get much more attention. Titus Rivas, Athanasia Foundation
Nijmegen, Netherlands
March 29, 2005
Two short years aga I lost my only son from a brain stem tumor, the heartache is unimaginable nothing but relentless pain and guilt. Sometimes I feel his presence very strongly. Please help me.
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
March 27, 2005
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