This is a beautiful site! keep up the good work! Merry Christmas To All! DiamondWinds
North Las Vegas, Nevada, United States
December 21, 1998
I dedicate this in loving memory of my late husband, my best friend for nineteen years - Dennis R. Mitchell I think this is a wonderful web site for people like me. I have read and very much enjoyed the "Hello from Heaven" book so much. Words cannot begin to express how I felt when I finished reading it. It truly made me feel like I was not alone in this world with the grief and confusion I am feeling. I met Dennis was I was age 16. We were high school sweethearts. I married him at age 20. I am age 36 and was a widow at age 34. My husband passed away suddenly right before my eyes on March 18, 1997. He was 37 and wasn't sick, didn't drink, do drugs, or smoke. I had never felt so helpless in my life as I did at that moment. Though I was surrounded by loved ones then and still - I have never felt more alone. I haven't been able to move on yet. The pain is still too fresh. How does a person move on after something like this happens? I have a 14 year-old son and a 9 year-old daughter that, unfortunately, had to witness their father dying and gasping for air. I am thankful that I was with him and that he did not die alone. Fortunately and thanks to a lot of counseling they are now back to a "normal" life. They are again happy and are still able to enjoy their childhood. I know they will never forget their father because they talk about him all the time, but at least when they talk about him now - they don't cry. They share their memories with me and smile. It's taken over a year and a half for that to happen, but it has happened. Now I just have to fix me, but I don't know how to "let go" without it hurting me so much. If you can relate to what I've been through, please help me. I am on a friend's computer and do not have an e-mail address. I, also, do not "surf the net" that often. This is only my third time in my life. I would appreciate not having to suffer in silence alone anymore. There isn't anyone I know that has lost someone who was a very big part of their life and lost themselves and who they are because of it. I tried a chat room once (widow's and widower's) too fast paced and scary for me. I can't tell you what it means to me that there are books out there that deal with and that truly understand the heartache and pain a person feels when you lose someone so close to you. Thank you for caring. I will be forever grateful to you for making me feel like I am not alone with my pain. I look forward to reading more of your books. When I finish a book, I usually pass it on to someone who has lost a spouse or a loved one in hopes of helping them to heal. Liz Mitchell
Liz Mitchell
Auburn, California, United States
December 20, 1998
I lost my son Matt on June 21, 1997 and I found your message board a few weks later and have been frequenting it ever since. Thank you so much for this wonderful site. Without the love and support and positive thoughs here, I may not have survived.
Baltimore, Maryland, United States
December 20, 1998
Thank you for a beautiful web site. I am adding it to my favorites list and have given your web address to my sister in law. She has just finished reading "Talking to Heaven" and has been very touched by it.
Oviedo, Florida, United States
December 19, 1998
This site is absolutely beautiful. I loved the book Hello From Heaven. Will any more books be forthcoming? Its wonderful to know that death is not the end. Thanks for your wonderful and comforting insights.
Schaumburg, Illinois, United States
December 18, 1998
This site is my home away from home.I think hello from heaven was so helpfull to so many in need.. Thanks to all of the hard work put into the book and the sites here.I love It..Love and peace to all here.
Landis, North Carolina, United States
December 18, 1998
Dear Judy,I am so glad to have found this site.I think the people here are a wonderful group of nice, loving,compassionate people.They have helped me very much.I have been having problems getting into mediunship on Sat. night.I hope that this lovely new site will help me.Love and light !!Grandma Jeani
Atlantic City, New Jersey, United States
December 18, 1998
Keith-O, this our second year apart for christmas. It seems like only yesterday.. MISS U SOOOOO !!! Till we are all together again, Mom,Heather & I will keep you a part of our lives everyday till its our time to leave this place. LOVE & MISS YOU,Listen for our prayers..... DAD
Middle Island, New York, United States
December 17, 1998
just a note to say thank you for having this site. i have been visiting for quite some time and always find something of interest
December 17, 1998
Bravo! The ADC Guest Book is working again, and such a wonderful layout for the whole site. Blessings to all who pass this way. Love, "JudyG"
Judy Guggenheim
Longwood, Florida, United States
December 17, 1998