Guest Book - 2005
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Suicide is that an answer... we the living say NO_ it is a most selfish act, that we who suffer the lost are left behind some with half *** written suicide notes as they who depart try to express their pain be it their lonliness.. how they hurt...their Bills, the divorce,rejection, shame, guilt feeling misunderstood....BUT WHAT DO WE KNOW... We went through a great loss last year the details are not important...but a suicide hurt me... and for nearly a year I sit in wonder of how could I have prevented it...or what part could the family of the suicide victim play to have prevented this....for years she seached on line about suicide, she talked openly to many she even wrote letters to all members of her family and STILL with all that out there.... NO ONE REALLY WANTEd to believe she would some day actually do it_ ANd really When we have family members who ask for help how often than not are we judgemental...or how often do we say Grow up .... or deal with it, or worse abandon them and say there now they will have to deal with it on their own___ WE ALL DO! I have heard this come from my own friends and family mouths...oh they say I will help but when the time comes and you ask for help they pretend they cannot hear you or make snide remarks making you feel worse about yourself... THINK ABOUT HOW MANY time has people asked you for help and before you simply HELP you have to add your 2 cents ..... or make remarks.... what really would you had done different if you KNEW they would not be here today? so most often than not we who ask for help ... all SUCK IT UP so to say put on our clown faces and try another day_ and some just cannot_ THE STRONGEST WORDS I HAVE EVER READ ARE THESE!! When someone comes to you for help! OFFER NO ADVICE...INSTEAD simply GIVE THEM YOUR HAND! SUICIDE is not the answer for us who are left behind <-- and that is all we truely know...... IT HURTS LIKE HELL! Because those who commit suicide,may end their sorrow,but it is than passed on to hundreds of other people. I have also come to the conclusion that GOD LOVES US for better or worse and YES GOD EMBRACES US when we die even at our own hands...MY GOD IS A GOD OF NOTHING BUT LOVE AND UNDERSTANDING OF OUR HUMAN WEAKNESS'S AND FAILURES.
February 19, 2005
Recently lost a sister in law in a terrible accident on 12-24-04. My wife is pretty torn up, as they were best friends as well as sisters. Over the course of the past month and 1/2, numerous family members have had encounters with my sister in law either in dreams or in very real messages. Up until last night I doubted these encounters. But last night my sister in law came to visit me and held me as I slept. I still had some doubt, I spent the day trying to get my head around it and then as I was watching TV I heard the upstairs toilet flush. I was the only one home. My wife is out of town and I think my sister in law is still here waiting for my wife to come home. I know this must sound crazy, has anyone experienced anything like this? I no longer doubt whether she was here last night or tonight. I'm not scared, I guess I just need to know I'm not the only one. Anyone??
Jim Webb
Columbia Heights, Minnesota, United States
February 15, 2005
I have just lost my brother 25/11.04 and he was found without any ID.I was told 2 weeks ago he was still in the coroners.I had the staff tell me of his tattoos for ID and I had him cremated last week.He had the most cruel life and used drugs to block it out.Everything was alawys hard for him,I cant belive some people have to suffer like he did.He has left a son and a brother distaught.He was only 34 and was suicidal but wouldnt ever carry it through for his sons image wouldnt permit it.Then this tragic accident .He has stopped suffering but I need to know he is o.k. now.! We love you John and I hope there is a place where we can meet again.I need a real sign,not a mind reader telling me information I have in memory that they can relay.The other mind can be read but if a clue of something I dont know can lead me to an answer then I will calum (Thanks for the angle site owners)
London, England, United Kingdom
February 13, 2005
I love this site! It is a place for healing. I must say, the book "Hello From Heaven" is a must for anyone who has suffered a loss. It is the source of total healing. It is one I intend to read frequently, at least once a year, as a re-enforcement that death does not exist. I have had, and continue to have, more ADS's than I can list and feel so blessed! It is like a hug from heaven! I want so badly to submit one, but they are so numberious, I don't know which one to pick. If you even want to contact me for information on some, please always feel free. My email address is listed. I just don't know which one to pick....they are all so special. Thank you so much for your work; as I said before, it helps heal and touches so many lifes!
St. Augustine, Florida, United States
February 12, 2005
It is so comforting to have a connection with those who have experienced loss. I don't feel so alone now
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
February 10, 2005
i thought your web site was really good it was nice to be able to read the stories from your other guests
Rutherglen, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom
February 7, 2005
Bill & Judith Thank you for the work you do. I listen to Judith on Sunday nights with Sharina on radio 4BC/2UE. I always find your comments genuine and caring, and you always show an empathy for those you speak with. Keep up the excellent work!! Roger
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
February 5, 2005
I found out about this web site by reading the book LOVE NEVER DIES by Sandy Goodman. I lost my 26 year old son to cancer in December of 2003. I wish so bad I could dream about him or get some kind of message that he is ok.
Merritt Island, Florida, United States
January 31, 2005
I came across this web site by chance and enjoyed it very much as in the past I have seen and felt presences of people I did not know. I told them to go away as I was afraid and I have not seen or felt anyone since.Your web site has made me realize that I was not imagineing things and that it was nothing to fear.
Manchester, Lancashire, England, United Kingdom
January 30, 2005
I have had many dreams and "feelings" of people near me while meditating. I am anxious to learn more about ADC
sunland, California, United States
January 28, 2005
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