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Thanks for listening to me. I lost my best friend my mother almost five years ago, she was even sick as far as i knew anyway she wlk into the hospital and in on week my mother was gone. i still can't adjust or even believe she is gone. I am an only child she was all i had, I had to make the call to tal\ke her off the breathing machine which i think i talk her into going on. it is still so confusing any way i feel so quilty i feel like i killed her, i pray all the time she would come back to me tell me she is ok even now i sit here crying. Cause you see my mother believed so much in life after death I always felt she would come back to me. I watch john edwards show when i am not at work i guess i hope somehow she would know i am watching and speak to me. I just what to thank everybody who has this gift even though my mother has not spoke to me, all the other people whom you have helped by giving them peace and hope is truly a beatyful thing GOD BLESS DARLENE
Darlene M Dayton
Cherry Hill, New Jersey, United States
September 25, 2002
Your book has helped me greatly to realize that when my beloved Dad crossed over, his spirit didn't die with his body. He continues to live on and let's me know it! Thank you for helping me achieve peace in my new life without my Dad being physically here. Now I know that he is still with me spiritually. God Bless.
Nancy Louise Ideo
Drexel Hill, Pennsylvania, United States
September 22, 2002
i think this web site is geat /i would like to know more and read the book.
margie russell
new smyrna beach, Florida, United States
September 20, 2002
i have had many experiences in my life that i know are from the other side, but im unable to associate it deal with it (work with it) i was told by other mediums that i need to learn to meditate, that it would help me, but i was wondering if you know of any good books to help me out with better understanding, as well as meditating???? please respond to this as soon as possible, i would hate to think a have a special gift going to waste. i would love to get a grip on my abilities. thank-you sooooo much. please email me at angelwarrior77@hotmail.com
Wisconsin, United States
September 20, 2002
i would like you to write me back
karen emberton
stanford, Illinois, United States
September 19, 2002
I read the Hello From Heaven book when it first came out and it substantiated the several ADC I have had. The balls of light that eminate a departed's personality. Small flashes of lights, as well as smells and physical sensations. I lost my sister, father, mother and best friend in a period of less than 5 years and had wonderful ADC's that confirmed their continued existance. However, I had a beloved old collie (Shane)that even after 22 years I still miss his presence. When my sister passed, I finished raising her 10 year old and we often spoke of life after. On a good Friday (one year after my mother left us)we were going to our permanent camping spot to spring clean. I began to tell my nephew how I hoped I would see old Shane dog when I pass and we wondered if dogs had a soul that survived. I told him some wonderful stories about the dog until I had tears in my eyes. (You pet lovers know how it is). That night we fell asleep exhaused from raking and cleaning. I had a dream/experience(they are always more real than a dream, but they happen when you are sleeping). I dreamt a lovely angel handed me a note and said, "This is from your mother". At that point I woke up, grabbed a piece of paper and pen and by the dim nightlight, scribbled down the words I saw on the note. I was not aware of what I wrote, as I went right back to sleep. But, in the morning I woke again and remembered I had an "event" during the night and quickly went to read what I had wrote. It was a beautiful reassurance from Mom. It said: Travel with me through the universe, there's many a sight to see....we'll visit great planets and beautiful stars, that make up our galexy. ALL that you've loved and charished so, dear, will be waiting beyond there for thee.. ALL that I've loved, would include my beloved dog Shane. Thanks Mom and I want you to be waiting with the dogs and all my loved ones, when I get there.
Ohio, United States
September 19, 2002
I would really like to know more about all the life after death stuff you guys are really tough to do stuff like this my dad died 2yrs ago and I would like to find out more if anyone has any info how I could e-mail me
September 17, 2002
I just found this site. I am new to using a computer as well. But I have always been able to communicate with the other side all my life. This is a wonderful site. I think I have found a new "home". I am so grateful for my urge to search the internet for something more to my belief system. Bless you all. I hope I am welcome here, as I feel this is a good place to be. Thank you.
Atlanta, Georgia, United States
September 17, 2002
I read the book and it helped me deal with a death in our family, I just hope that we all reunite again after death. Also I was wondering if anyone knows of a good psychic/medium in the Toronto Ontario area (Canada)? If so can you please let me know of upcoming seminars, thank-you.
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
September 16, 2002
I have been dealing with ghosts all my life. It began when i was 10. Iv'e heard conversations that were almost unclear,rocking chairs rocking, foot steps on hard wood floors. Iv'e been held down by something which wouldn't allow movement in my legs and arms, while sufficating me. If it wouldn't of been for my father a light sleeper hearing me. The only thing i could do was tap my foot against the wall(my bed was against the wall)in hope, he would hear me. My door was held shut, for there wasn't any locks on it. It took my father running three times and throwing his body against the door before he was left in, and the weight lifted off me.There were many times of dealing with these ghosts. I was terriffied of them.My father has heard them too, many times we were together while these things happened. One time in the kitchen, the refridgerator freezer door flew open and wacked me hard on the back of my head. It was the old kind that you had to pull the handle, then pull the door open. But being a first sargent in the army, my father was worried that people would think strange of us, so we kept it quiet,except for family members.My mother joked about it. MY older brother being deaf never heard them,but he helped many times to put the dishes back in the right cubbards. My younger brother well he only remembers our stories. For when i moved out at the age of 17,he was only 7; the ghosts moved out too with me. I was hit hard one night while sleeping. I woke up to see an old friend standing there. She had hit me hard with her wallet, the clasp cut me deep in my shoulder. I was thinking "how did she get in my home) while watching her walk away and turn and laugh at me. Then as i realized as she disappeared legs, arms, body then head;that she must of passed on.I cried out to her why, why did u hurt me? I heard her say, that I hurt her! I did; I sent her a letter saying i could no longer be friends with her and it must of hurt her badly to come back to me. But her beliefs wern't like mine, she worshipped the devil. I had enough problems and i didn't need more. That was why i couldn't be her friend. Then my biggest tradgety my grandmother died. She lived with us while i was growing up. MY second mother,I was depressed for months... Then she visited me. It started out as a dream, seeing her. She was calling to me to come to her. I saw her with her two sisters who have passed on. I ran to her and put my arms around her. At that moment i woke up! She was on my bed and i had my arms around her. I felt her body, i could feel her skin. I exclaimed, Mom you are warm! She was so cold for so long in her life. She said, yes joyce,I need you to know i'm ok. I'm warm now, I feel no pain, only joy. I can't watch you do this to yourself. You have four kids who need you. Stop crying for me. I lived my life now, it's your turn we will be together soon. Soon will never be soon enough for me,I told her. We talked about what it was like in heaven. She comforted me.Then she dissappeared. I only saw her one more time since then, and it was to give my mother a message. MY mother misses her so, I wanted her to go to my mother but she said, no you must tell her this.I relayed the message to my mother. And i think it helped her alot; with the things i told her. Since I held my grandmother in my arms, I look at death alot differently.It is a rebirth, a celebration of going back home. I don't cry anymore at funerals and i know when i die my funeral will be a celebration of life.A new beginning....reading books from john edwards, sylvia browne and The Guggenheim's has given me the strength to talk about my situations that has happened to me, without the worry of being sent to therapy.Thankyou to all.
joyce frankhouser
manheim, Pennsylvania, United States
September 16, 2002
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