Before my mother passed on in 1999, i have been looking for signs that she is still watching over me, something from her, some message. There has been nothing, and I dont know why. Except that perhaps because her passing was so natural and we had lots of time together to say goodbye, there is no real need. my ex husband passed away suddenlly at aged 51 in September 11, and we still dont know cuase of death. We have remained freinds for 30 years and have two sons together. Since his passing Michael has made his presence to me very clear. There was a phone call the evening of his passing, before I had even gotten any news of his death. It was a quick call, his voice, saying my name twice. I am called Patti to most, noone calling me Patricia except my father and Michael. He said Patricia twice, the connection was sounding very weird, almost like he was coming from another planet, so much static. then the line was dead. I knew it was Michael, and knew something was wrong. The next day i got the call that he had passed. Later, in a dream Michael told me of a necklace and ring that he wanted his sons to have. After talking to michael's sister, she told me that she was given a ring and necklace fromMichaels wife. Funny that I would be getting messaged from my ex husband and not my mother....but there are many unanswered questions surrounding my ex husbands death...maybe he wants to help us.
Huntington Beach, California, United States
October 14, 2001
After losing my wife of 37 years to colon cancer in April 2001, I am constantly in a state of depression and searching for reasons. After watching John Edward's show where he referenced your book, I immediately purchased it. Matter of fact I just finished it this morning. A superlative reading pleasure. It put me at ease so often during my reading time. I have recently purchased his new book " Crossing Over". I too have been recently diagnosed with Prostate Cancer and will soon be undergoing an operation to have it removed. My fear of dying is no longer in my thoughts. When my time nears, I will anxiously await the time to join my beloved wife again. Again thank you for your years of documented research. I look forward to any/all new releases. DL - Venice, FL
Venice, Florida, United States
October 12, 2001
Dear Bill and Judy, I was delighted to find your sight. My daughter and I have both had experiences. In fact it happenes so often, we just have an 'what/who now' attitude. It is a natural event in our house! Thanks for the site, It is great! Joanne Ornelas
Portland, Oregon, United States
October 12, 2001
Thank you.
Fairplay, Maryland, United States
October 10, 2001
I have lost both parents at a very young age and have been contacted by them both .I also have a great story about my grandma after she passed.
Highland, Michigan, United States
October 9, 2001
What a beautiful Website. Full of kindness and very informative on sensative issues. I will certaintly be back for plenty of visits to learn of things I could never understand. Thank you Susan
Plymouth, Devon, England, United Kingdom
October 8, 2001
This is my first time to visit this site and I do intend to purchase the book Hello from Heaven. Just reading this has helped me with my grief.
philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
October 8, 2001
hello, ive just lost my son, he was 38, and have been having a terrible time trying to cope, hope to hear from someone to talk with . thank you
Ontario, Canada
October 8, 2001
my daughter was part of the alda hey hospital organs scandle they stripped her body of every major organ now 28yrs after the first funeral we have to bury her again i fear she is not in heaven she was 5 yrs old what a wonderfful web site email me
Liverpool, England, United Kingdom
October 6, 2001
Just finished reading Hello from Heaven and thoroughly enjoyed it. While I was reading the "Necklace of Pearls" chapter I was visited by a beautiful monarch butterfly. This is October in New York at the beach, I don't know if butterflies are common this time of year, but this one was unusual because it stayed a while. It hovered about two feet from where I was sitting for awhile; then alit on the edge of book and just sat there for a good thirty seconds. Having just finished meditating I had asked my dad for a sign that I really had met with him; moments later is when this butterfly appeared. I have never had the pleasure of being so up close and personal to a monarch before - I cannot find the words to describe its beauty. While I have never associated my dad with butterflies, the timing is just too coincidental. Thanx Dad!
oceanside, New York, United States
October 5, 2001