I just met Judy tonight speak and it was wonderful. I can't wait to read the book!!!
Wausau, Wisconsin, United States
April 7, 1999
This is for my daughter Circe who passed over the other side Feb,17,1997. Everyday I miss you more and more I miss our little talk at night, over the phone. Our shopping trip to the mall together. The other day I know you where around I feel you rub my arm and my face. Your brother misses you too. Sometime I cry but I know you are not in any pain. and that make me feel better. I look at some of the mother day, brithday cards you gaven me over the years.and also the ladybug on my computer at work with its head to the side like you use to do. You told me that is was watching over me and she does.WE LOVE AND MISS YOU MY LITTLE SWEETPEA
baltimore, Maryland, United States
April 6, 1999
I do believe there's life after death and there will be a day without tears and sorrows.It will be in Heaven with the Almighty God
Braslia, DF, Brazil
April 6, 1999
Great web site. Just ordered the book.
Salem, Oregon, United States
April 5, 1999
I have bought your book Hello From Heaven and it already has answeed a quesion that I had. I ket smelling cigarettes and no-one was smoking in te house. After looking at your book I realized that it was my son who died almost a year ago contacting me that he was here. We've had several strange occurences sine his death and realize that he's with us all the time. I just wish that he could give us a sign who killed him. It's been a very hard year for me and somedaysall I o is sit and cry. I'm not the person that use to be. I would like to add him to the memorial site but don't know how to do it. God BLess
easton, Pennsylvania, United States
April 3, 1999
It is a comfort to know someone else has been there and done that too
Tempe, Arizona, United States
April 1, 1999
Hi all: My brother passed away two and a half years ago, and the pain is still raw. I read the Van Pragh book Talking to Heaven and that helped me tremendously. I am now about to read your book Hello From Heaven and I am really looking forward to some peace of mind. Thanks
Atlanta, Georgia, United States
April 1, 1999
I have been searching for a way to communicate with my mom, since losing her afive years ago. Sometimes I smell roses when there are none around, and I wonder if that's her. They were always her favorite. I am concerned that she is sufferring for things she said/did while she was alive. I need to know she is at peace and she knows I forgive her. And to let her know I am trying to make my father's transition easier. Thank you all, ---Mash
California, United States
April 1, 1999
I lost my mother Dec. 27th and my father last week. I found your book just by accident,(or maybe not), in the grocery store. I was so depressed before I read it. I can't begin to tell you how much better I am able to accept there deaths now. The many questions and doubts that I had are gone now. I truly believe they are together and with the Lord. Thank you so much for this wonderful book. I hope to be fortunate someday to have contact with one of them. But if I don't I truly believe now that we will be together again.
Portland, Oregon, United States
March 31, 1999
Just wanted to thank you, for a wonderful site.. Love the chat room, it has helped me to deal with the loss of my loved one, and connected me to many new links......... Thanks. God Bless........ Love, Sandy
Mt. Iron, Minnesota, United States
March 31, 1999