Guest Book - 2002
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This website has proven to be life-changing for me. It has opened more doors than I can count!
DeKalb, Illinois, United States
February 18, 2002
I just finished reading Hello from Heaven and I haven't been able to write since the death of my daughter. This has encouraged me to write. I wrote down the 4 visits (through dreams) that I've had of her. This has helped me to put my feelings down on paper, as I have been reluctant to do so because I knew once I did that would mean I would have to face the fact. But that isn't it at all, it's just writing down wonderful memories and good things. Thank you, I will be picking up some of the books you have listed here on the web site. Sincerely Karen Simpson
Cathedral City, California, United States
February 17, 2002
8:15 am 2/16/02 I almost wrote 3/16 as in John 3/16-interesting that it speaks of everlasting life! The Netherlands & my Grandpa This woke me out of a deep sleep twice so I would write it down. The title was clear and yet vague enough so I do not know if it was Netherlands or Never land. I DO know that it was a place for ones soul to go before deciding to either come back to this plane, or move on to the next (Heaven?). My Grandpa was there with other family members who are still here (such as Uncle Marlin, Aunt Norma, Aunt Sandy who hasnt talked to any of us for years, and Pam). When I walked in, they were sitting on either side of a long table (like people do at Bingo) with metal chairs that were cool until your body heat warmed them. They had just finished eating, and were smiling, and laughing. I knew that they were having a conversation, though no words were being said. Above their heads was a thin metal wire that had different blank cards clipped to it, so that one could take and give to another, if they chose to. I took a few down to read, thinking that I would like to give one to my Grandpa to show him how much I love and miss him. The cards were decorated with angels and such things of a happy tone-there were no sympathy cards or ones of sadness. I remember acknowledging everyone there with a smile, but let it be known that I was there to see, hug and talk with Grandpa. I also remember that as I was sitting next to him with my chair facing him, there were no words exchanged still. Smiles, thoughts, and many hugs- I felt once again his cheek against mine feeling rough because he needed to shave. We had many laughs about that when I was little. I woke up rubbing my cheek. I "told" him that I loved him, missed him, and was proud to be his granddaughter through thoughts and a smile that wouldnt go away. He "told" me that he loved me, and not only did he know that I am doing ok, but I am doing well and he is very proud of me-that look was clear. On my way back from wherever I had traveled from, I saw my aunt Pam sitting along the wall in a gymnasium type room and walked over to her. I asked her when she was going home, she replied that she didnt know, but that she was going to be leaving soon. I asked her to call me when she got there, so I knew that she was ok. I got into a disagreement with the person that came with me as we were leaving, so I left them there to find their own way. My Grandpa died 2 years ago, and I haven?t really thought of him until the last few days when I found a note that I wrote him after his funeral. It was nice to say hello, and tell him what I have wanted to since he left.
February 16, 2002
Hi. I lost two friends in one week and I thought the pain would crush me. Fred DeArmond was killed in a motorcycle accident. He was on life support for two weeks but his injuries were to severe he died on Sept.4,2001. Gary Stevens died after a three year battle with cancer on Sept.9,2001. They were friends and so a lot of people got dealt a double blow to their hearts. They were laid out in the same funeral home, in the same spot. It was surreal seeing the same people mourning again. Of course the World Trade Center tragedy happened on the 11th. It felt so hard to digest it all. My heart ached so bad that I didn't know if I could go on. I cried till I thought I'd lose my mind. Then things began to happen and I thought I was losing it. I came down stairs one day and my cassette player was playing Bridge Over Troubled Waters by Aaron Neville. This was my song that I played over and over again. How it was playing I did not know because it was on a hand held cassette that had not been touched. This happened after a very hard night. There was also a dream visittation by Fred whom I dated letting me know that he was alright. We had discussed death one night and we both agreed that we would rather be dead than to be a"vegetable". Who would of thought that a few weeks later he would be in that state. In my dream I kept saying but your dead and he kept saying I know but I wanted to talk to you. At the end he started to leave but I asked him if I could please have one more of his hugs and he came back and gave me a hug so real that I cried. This all happened before I read any books on ADC's. One of my friends sent me to the library and I got quite a few books on the subject. I find it fasinating. On Fred's 50th birthday Jan.19,2002 I asked him if he could give me a sign letting me know that he is aware of me here missing him. I asked for a female sky-diver because of conversations we had had. It's a long story about how it came about but in less than twenty-four hours I got my sign. In fact it was on his birthday but I hadn't noticed it till the next day. I jumped up and down and yelled "thank You Fred" it made my heart soar and I will never be the same or think of death the same way again. It made a believer out of me. I am now reading everything I can about all the forms of communications and am looking forward to learning how to open myself up for further ones. I feel so loved and cared about because of this. I am currently reading Hello From Heaven. I feel further blessed that I have had a few different forms of communication. Thanks fo allowing me to share my experience.
Indiana, United States
February 15, 2002
Thank you for being here :-) I now know that I am not alone...or crazy! Inner Peace and Strength, Bonnie
Georgia, United States
February 14, 2002
I again, have called in to read some more on your is always inspirational to me to know that people like John Edward and myself can help those who have a need to speak to one who has crossed over. I applaud this site and commend it's wonderful approach to ADE. Please call in to my paranormal occurrences site which has area's that have and need stories to be read. Brightest Blessings to you and all that visit here <center> <a href=> <img src="" border=0> </a></center>
Perth, Western Australia, Australia
February 14, 2002
I lost my perfect husband and friend in Aug. 2001. One week after he died - I felt his presence in my bed with me - he felt very warm but I knew it was him - when I opened my eyes, he left me. Several weeks later, it happened again, but again when I opened my eyes, he left me. He seemed to be trying to talk to me but it didn't make sense. I always knew after 23 years of the most wonderful love on earth, if he ever left me, if it was possible he'd find some way to contact me. However, it has not happened again and I'm doubtful now I will ever see or be with him again. That scares me more than anything possible. The only reason I am still here is because we have two children under 18 still at home and they need me. My only hope and dream is someday, some how we will be together again. Am I hoping for the impossible?
Findlay, Ohio, United States
February 13, 2002
i want to know if any one is looking after me and yes who
Johnstone, Scotland, United Kingdom
February 11, 2002
Have not read your book but am a strong believer in reincarnation. Noticed your site because i had a 19 yr. old son die in 1974 killrd in motorcycle accident. about 3 weeks after his death i received a message from him assuring me he was fine. i also seen his face with a hallo on top as he spoke. 1st time for me and although i was surprisd i was not astounded because i believed in life after death at the time. Its wonderful and assuring. WHB Jr.
Covina, California, United States
February 10, 2002
I am so pleased to havefound this website I have had multiple losses. My brother-in-law in 94, my mother-in-law in95, my father-in-law in97,3months later, my mother, 8months after that my 50 year old sister, than the worst of all my husband of 20 years, died while waiting for a liver and kidney transplant. I am so devastated . He died two days after his 46th birthday. I haven't had time to grieve for one, when another is taken away from me. Just six months after my beautiful husband passed, my dear father passed away from congestive heart failure. I am so distraught, but I have to keep holding on to hope that they are still with me. I read your book, "Hello From Heaven" I read it shortly after my husband passed. Iam going to re-read it, because now I am in a little bit better frame of mind, and some things have happened that I need to read about. Once again, Thanks for this site. I would love to hear from someone on multiple losses. God Bless, Kathy
Lewisburg, Tennessee, United States
February 9, 2002
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