My fiance just passed away 1/2 hour after I talked to him on the phone from a stroke on March 2. We were to be married on Aril 13 and he was to be coming from California on April 6th for the wedding. I was selling my house and moving out there with him. Now my whole world has crashed down around me. For the first time in my life, I had every dream I ever dreamed coming true. We hadn't seen each other since last August but spoke daily 2,3,4, and more times a day. The pain is almost too much to bear right now and I want so much to be able to see him. I am 61 and he was 62. I pray that you are right and maybe someday he will come to me. Please pray for me.
South Bend, Indiana, United States
March 24, 2002
Just finished reading "Hello From Heaven." Thank you for this beautiful, inspiring book! Even though my father passed away more than 30 years years ago, I still get my messages as recently as this week! You see, as a child he would always give my sister and I a nickle for the corner store which in those days would buy a bag of chips. Whenever I think of him I ALWAYS find nickles on the ground as a sign that he hears me and wants to say "hello!"
Woodbridge, New Jersey, United States
March 23, 2002
Hello, I stumbled on this site today and must admit it is the best I have found so far that I could relate to. I Lost my Nephew Shane Lashly to Murder in Aug of 1999. He has contacted me many times since his death. I can always verify his messages through his Mother and Sister. Im glad Im not alone in the feeling that love does'nt end at death. God Bess You all. GloryBzz
Windfall, Indiana, United States
March 20, 2002
Your book came recommended by John Edwards and was a comfort to me. I lost my beloved Mother in May of 2001 and your ADC accounts were truly uplifting to my heart and soul. While I haven't "heard" from Mom as yet, I am ever hopeful that when the time is right it will happen. My faith in God has sustained my greatly as well. I will share Hello From Heaven with anyone I know who passes through that most defining of moments. I know Mom looks over us all, yet has her own new agenda on the other side as well. God bless you both for sharing these precious stories with the world.
Norman, Oklahoma, United States
March 20, 2002
I just want to thank you. I bought your book after hearing John Edwards recommend it on his show. I lost my Mom four years ago and wanted to believe that what I felt and saw was real and that I wasn't crazy and after reading Hello From Heaven, I know that Mom really does visit me. Your book helped me to not grieve so much anymore, knowing that not only will I see Mom and others again, but that they are with me now too. Again, thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Las Vegas, Nevada, United States
March 19, 2002
Just wanted to say thank you to you and so many others for showing us that there IS something else out there. Just because we can't see it, feel it, taste it, touch it, the general population believes that these "energies" don't exist. Since a young age I have had some paranormal experiences of my own, too many to explain but hey those of us who are "listening" will get the messages that were intended for us. No matter how trivial it may seem to the "normal" eye or normal senses, those of us who are no longer afraid of what we don't understand are hearing these messages more and more frequently. I myself am very greatful for them. I actually thank "them" out loud, though my husband looks at me like I'm crazy. Thank you and everyone who is participating in this field for letting us know we're not crazy. Oh yeah and by the way, John Edward is "plugging" your book big time at his seminars. Again, thank you Sincerely Kathleen Grant.
PalmBay, Florida, United States
March 19, 2002
I just lost a very dear friend, a few weeks ago. I have been searching for answers to why someone would have taken her life. I have been putting her name in every search engine, to pull up all the articles I could from the news paper, and this sight always came up. As I was looking through some the comments on the guest book, I saw her name. This is where she came after she lost her father. I'm hoping maybe I can find some answers too.
Secor, Illinois, United States
March 18, 2002
This is the first time I have been to your web-site. It is very interesting. Checking out "What Is ADC?". I have had several experiences with some of these. I have never really told anyone about all these experiences. Because if someone has not had these experiences, they would not understand them. Especially, the one about receiveing the phone call from one that has crossed over. I was so surprised when I saw it listed. My husband, who was also my very best friend. Passed away on January 26, 2001 (which is my birthdate). So I feel I lost two people in his passing. He has contacted me in several different ways. From the phone call, to the TV being turned on by itself to his favorite channel (which has a little funny story to it), to my daughter seeing him watching over her after she was robbed at work by gun point. Deer showing up in our back yard when I have asked him if I am making the right decision on something, to let me know I am. Because the deer is something we would always watch for together. I miss him and my heart aches for him so much. People say, it gets better with time. No, it doesn't! You just learn to cope, accept it and try to go on with life. It is hard to do. But, I often think. Even though I was in such hope that he would get better from his cancer. I am thankful that I had that time with him. I would not want to have been one of the spouses from Sept. 11th. Where my husband left that day for work and never came back. Not to have knowen. What an empty feeling that would have been. My heart goes out to all that has lost someone they loved! Teenie Collier (
Milton, West Virginia, United States
March 18, 2002
My ex-husband, whom was my very best friend and always the rock in my life has passed away on jan. 22, 2002, we have 5 beautiful children togeter and 5 grandchildren. Even though I am remarried I still have so much love for my ex, and its not like a husband love it is a real true friend love, he was always there for me no matter what the situation was, I want so bad to stay in contact with him even though he has passed away, I do not want to turn loose, I am scared to be alone, I am in the process of getting a divorce right now with 2nd husband on top of my loss with my ex. I am really searching inside myself for ???, I don't know yet? I enjoy reading thru your web pages and I have been reading more books in this area. Thank You, Debra Hoifield ex-wife to ROBERT LEE BURNS, you see Robert was 71 years old and I am 43, he was in my life for 27 years.
Springfield, Oregon, United States
March 17, 2002
I have found inspiration on your message board and found you by mere coincidence, or maybe not!
Guilford, Vermont, United States
March 17, 2002