I enjoyed visiting this sight. My mother appeared to us on a picture that was taken at our family reunion in St. Louis on July 14, 2001. My mother new birthday was March 4, 2001. This was very shocking to her family. Even thou she had passed, she still attend the family reunion. Thank for your time.
Detroit, Michigan, United States
August 2, 2001
Ihave not had a chance to read your book. But I surely enjoy your website.I lost my husband a year ago August 16,2000.I sure do miss him and reading the others letters and comments helps so much.I know that I am not alone.Thank you
Cincinnati, Ohio, United States
August 2, 2001
My Father was just diagnosed Wed. July 25, 2001 with Cancer of the Esopagus. It is very painful to think about what he is going to go through. Please pray for him, and my family that we can help him deal with this terrible disease.
PHILADELPHIA, Pennsylvania, United States
August 1, 2001
i lost my wonderful dad and two of my sons my two sons were murderd i would like to hear fom them maybe they can give me some insight in why i am living in such a bad condition and why everything seems to go against me
Riverside, California, United States
August 1, 2001
I lost my sweetheart of only one year to a tragedy of suicide. I have horrible memories of his last hour and sadly I feel as though I have been given a life sentence of sorrow,regret and many questions. I am in search of what I believe is possible to communicate with his spirit somehow. Actually I do not know what I am in search of really, I just know I'm lost. He left me and our baby girl that was born only fours hours after he hung himself, I miss him and I will forever AND his answer did not fix anything, it just created tears from now untill forever.
phx., Arizona, United States
August 1, 2001
I found my l9 yr old son in his bed. he had shot himself in the head. My life seemed to end. I love him so much and my grief is so bad. I cant believe that he is no longer with me. i have so much guilt for not seeing his pain. I just want to know that he is okay, and that he wouldn't want to come back to this world if he could. I need to know that he is happy. can some one help me.
July 31, 2001
I have been searching since 1987..I was 35 years in Organized religion, and it got to be not enough. I was in John Edwards' site, and found the ADC link. Much praise for all you are doing on the ADC site. Very informative,Very emotional,Full of love and energy. I think at this point in my life, your site is my home away from home. I have had many who crossed over, most recently my MOM and GRANDSON..I have had ADC's since being on your site,and I find the companionship on ADC truly teeming with Love. Keep up the good work..and know that you are loved. Judith
Ireland, West Virginia, United States
July 30, 2001
My mother passed away May 19, 2001. It still does not feel real. We had been estranged for over a year and I wrestle with the grief and guilt over being apart. I was fortunate and had nine days with her in the hospital before she died. I cherish those moments which were more true and honest than ever before. I never really wanted or needed my mother my entire life - so I thought. Now that she is gone I yearn for her and want her so badly. I am so sorry, I know her life was very miserable and it hurts to feel that I contributed to her grief.
Tiki Island, Texas, United States
July 29, 2001
wow first time i have spoken these words out loud, my brother has died. i lost him on 23rd December,2000.He lost his battle with a brain tumour, which had made is life hell for 13months, but he never questioned why, and he was the one who gave me courage, and strenght to deal with each day that came. People like my brother are truly sent here for a short time, as angels to do what it is they have to do here on earth and then return home to there maker. Miss him, like he was my very next breath, love him,with every beat of my heart. Love u daz, u touch so many souls in your short but wonderful 34 years that god lent you to us
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
July 28, 2001
I am heartbroken since my cat PJ passed away. I wish I knew if she is okay now. Hoping for a sign to tell me.
July 28, 2001