A Year to Live
How to Live This Year As If It Were Your Last
Imagine that you only have one year left to live. What would you do differently? For one year the author consciously chose activities, relationships, and spiritual practices as if each moment, each hour, and each day were his last. From his experience comes this year-long program of exercises and guided meditations to help us feel fulfilled when it is our time to die.
After the Light
Death is nothing to fear-and life without fear can be lived to the fullest. This is Kimberly Clark Sharp's message from her extraordinary experience during the time after her heart suddenly stopped beating and she lay on the sidewalk, not breathing, and without a pulse. Swept into a peaceful loving place of brilliant golden light and warm comfort, she saw, for the first time, the meaning of life-and death.
Des Nouvelles de l'Au-delà (Paperback)
De nouveaux champs de recherche sur l'après-vie confirment que la vie et l'amour son éternels
French edition
Avez-vous déjà été contacté par quelqu'un que vous aimiez et qui est décédé ? La communication avec les défunts ou CAD est un phénomène largement répandu puisque les recherches menées par les auteurs révèlent que les personnes qui en ont fait l'expérience sont beaucoup plus nombreuses qu'on ne le pense. On parle de CAD lorsque les défunts se manifestent spontanément auprès d'un de leurs proches par un signe visuel, olfactif, auditif ou tactile, sans aucune aide ou sollicitation extérieure de la part d'un vivant, d'un médium ou de tout autre intermédiaire. A travers les centaines de témoignages, commentés et analysés par les auteurs, vous comprendrez
comment se manifestent les signes de l'au-delà, et serez en mesure, à votre tour, de les identifier, si l'un des vôtres venait un jour à votre rencontre. Cet ouvrage réconfortant et
spirituellement stimulant apporte un nouvel éclairage sur la mort et l'après-vie.
Stars in the Deepest Night
After the Death of a Child
"Stars in the Deepest Night" is a collection of poetry in which a bereaved parent describes the convoluted nightmare, isolation and transformation of grief after the death of a child. This book will be read and reread by bereaved parents and is a must for the families and friends who love them.
The Celestine Prophecy
An Adventure
In the rain forests of Peru, an ancient manuscript as been discovered. Within its pages are 9 key insights into life itself--insights each human being is predicted to grasp sequentially, one insight then another, as we move toward a completely spiritual culture on Earth. A compelling story of intrigue, suspense, and revelation about the spiritual awakening and evolution of the human race.
The Four Agreements
A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom
Rooted in traditional Toltec beliefs, these four agreements are essential steps on the path to personal freedom: Be impeccable with your word; Say only what you mean; The word is the most powerful tool humans have; Don't take anything personally; Self-importance leads people to think they are the center of the universe, causing pain and injustice; Don't make assumptions. To avoid frustration and blame, ask what is meant; Always do your best. This is the surest way to avoid self- condemnation, though it is important to realize one's best is always changing.
Beloved Visitors
Cherie Sutherland has talked to many bereaved parents who have had the joy of after-death contact with their children. For some it has been a vision of their child happy in a heavenly landscape; for others, the healing sensation of a final cuddle, the sound of a familiar voice, a reassuring touch, a particular scent. In each case though, this visit has brought great comfort - and the welcome assurance that the beloved one lives on in another sphere.
I Knew Their Hearts
After a tragic accident took the life of his wife and son, Jeff needed a miracle. This personal and poignant journey into the life after death shares the true story of Jeff's out-of-body experiences and his newly remembered ability to communicate at a deeper level with people on both sides of the veil.
The Other Side of Death
Jan Price was destined not to linger in paradise but to return to the physical world and the body she had left behind during a nearly fatal heart attack. This book is Jan's account of her near-death experience and the many precious lessons it taught her--most important, that death need never be feared, by anyone. She describes the beautiful spiritual country in which she found herself and her joyous encounters there. She reflects on why near-death experiences happen and why they've become so common.
A Gradual Awakening
Poet and meditation teacher Stephen Levine writes simply and gently about his own personal experiences with and insights into vipassana meditation. An inspiring book for anyone interested in deep personal growth.