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Hello From Heaven!
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Hello From Heaven! by Bill and Judy Guggenheim, book about after-death communication - ADC experiences, death and dying, grief, bereavement, life after death, and afterlife.
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The Rooms of Heaven
The Rooms of Heaven
A Story of Love, Death, Grief, and the Afterlife
Mary Allen (Author)
When Mary Allen falls in love with Jim Beaman, she doesn't know he has a drug problem, but she does sense demons and angels around him, like "a disturbance in the air, a sound just beyond the register of human hearing." And when Jim--discouraged and depressed, struggling with his addiction--kills himself a year into their relationship, Allen is unable to let him go. In her desperate attempts to recover from the loss, she uses a Ouija board and automatic writing to pull back from reality into the dark recesses of her mind, where she believes she can find him. The result is a mesmerizing trip across the boundaries between this world and the afterlife, a journey that leads her to the brink of insanity and ultimately back to herself. (United States)  
Trost aus dem Jenseits
Trost aus dem Jenseits
Hello From Heaven!
Bill Guggenheim (Author), Judy Guggenheim (Author)
German edition - Hardcover
Gibt es ein Leben nach dem Tod? Können Verstorbene mit uns Kontakt aufnehmen? Werden wir unseren Toten wiederbegegnen, wenn wir gestorben sind? Viele Menschen machen nach dem Tod eines Angehörigen oder Freundes eine Erfahrung, über die sie nie zu sprechen wagen: Ein geliebter Verstorbener nimmt von sich aus Kontakt zu ihnen auf. Sie hören oder spüren die Gegenwart des Toten. Sie haben das Gefühl, telepathisch mit ihm zu kommunizieren, oder fühlen eine Berührung... Dieses Buch läßt die Frage, ob es ein Leben nach dem Tod gibt, in neuem Licht erscheinen und versucht zugleich, allen Trauernden eine tröstliche Botschaft zu vermitteln. (Germany)  
Way of the Peaceful Warrior
Way of the Peaceful Warrior
Dan Millman (Author)
Way of the Peaceful Warrior is based on the story of Dan Millman, a world champion athlete, who journeys into realms of romance and magic, light and darkness, body, mind, and spirit. Guided by a powerful old warrior named Socrates and tempted by an elusive, playful woman named Joy, Dan is led toward a final confrontation that will deliver or destroy him. Readers join Dan as he learns to live as a peaceful warrior. (United States)  
After the Darkest Hour
After the Darkest Hour
How Suffering Begins the Journey to Wisdom
"After the Darkest Hour" explores the qualities -psychological, behavioral, and spiritual - of those who have turned periods of pain and suffering into opportunities for growth and renewal. The final chapters offer exercises that will help readers approach the difficult situations they face in a more conscious, enlightened way, as well as specific suggestions for creating personal healing rituals. (United States)  
Fast Lane to Heaven
Fast Lane to Heaven
Ned Dougherty (Author)
"Fast Lane to Heaven" is the author's account of his own near-death experience and how it changed his life forever. (United States)  
He Blew Her a Kiss - Volume 2
He Blew Her a Kiss - Volume 2
True Stories of After-Death Communication, Affirming Love Shared is Eternal
Have you ever experienced a sign from a deceased loved one that brought you comfort during your grief? Perhaps it was a familiar scent such as their cologne, a touch when you were clearly alone, or you heard their favorite song on the radio while thinking of them. Did they visit you in a dream with a distinct message, appearing vibrant and healthy again? These signs are referred to as After-Death Communications, or ADCs. Research shows millions of people from different races, cultures and religions have experienced them. ADCs bring hope in times of sorrow and show us our loved ones never truly leave us. The highly spiritual experience of an ADC is one to be welcomed and embraced, never feared. For many it is a source of comfort, acting as a catalyst in overcoming grief. Feelings of pain and loss following the death of a loved one are inevitable, but they don't have to be disabling. In Volume 2 of He Blew Her a Kiss, you will continue to be lifted up and enlightened by stories from across the nation. You will find inspiration and answers through true accounts from people just like you. This book brings confirmation and awareness to people who have experienced ADCs but were too afraid to express them. (United States)  
Jesus the Son of Man
Jesus the Son of Man
His Words and His Deeds As Told and Recorded by Those Who Knew Him
Kahlil Gibran (Author)
Jesus is portrayed through the words of seventy-seven contemporaries who knew him--enemies and friends; Syrians, Romans, Jews, Greeks, and Persians; priests, courtesans, publicans, and poets. This extraordinary book, which has been referred to as "The Fifth Gospel," is a fascinating study in perception. (United States)  
The Tenth Insight
The Tenth Insight
Holding the Vision: Further Adventures of
James Redfield (Author)
In this exciting sequel, Charlene, the friend who first brought word that an ancient manuscript had been found in Peru, has suddenly disappeared while exploring an old-growth forest deep in the Appalachian Mountains. Here, in this rich setting of cathedral forests, wooded streams, and majestic waterfalls, your adventure in search of the Tenth Insight begins. (United States)  
To Live Until We Say Good-Bye
To Live Until We Say Good-Bye
A reader says: "This large picture book is first and foremost about the value of life and living. The stories are remarkable because there is a touching sense of revelation to each--that none of the people had perhaps lived so fully and completely until they learned their time was running out." (United States)  
Trost aus dem Jenseits
Trost aus dem Jenseits
Hello From Heaven!
Bill Guggenheim (Author), Judy Guggenheim (Author)
German edition - Softcover
Gibt es ein Leben nach dem Tod? Können Verstorbene mit uns Kontakt aufnehmen? Werden wir unseren Toten wiederbegegnen, wenn wir gestorben sind? Viele Menschen machen nach dem Tod eines Angehörigen oder Freundes eine Erfahrung, über die sie nie zu sprechen wagen: Ein geliebter Verstorbener nimmt von sich aus Kontakt zu ihnen auf. Sie hören oder spüren die Gegenwart des Toten. Sie haben das Gefühl, telepathisch mit ihm zu kommunizieren, oder fühlen eine Berührung... Dieses Buch läßt die Frage, ob es ein Leben nach dem Tod gibt, in neuem Licht erscheinen und versucht zugleich, allen Trauernden eine tröstliche Botschaft zu vermitteln. (Germany)  
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