Halfway Across the River
Halfway Across the River is a compilation of fascinating stories that detail Dr. Annette Childs's nearly twenty years of work with they dying. From deathbed visions, to messages sent from beyond the veil, these poignant tales offer a perfect blend of truth, mystery, and wonder.
Joshua in the Holy Land
Joshua has come home. Back to Nazareth and Bethlehem. Back to Capernaum and Bethany. Back to Jerusalem. Joshua must lead his followers on a pilgrimage to peace. But home is no more peaceful now than it was before. Violent, seemingly intractable disputes poison the very air. It falls to Joshua, retracing the path taken two thousand years earlier, to lead his followers to peace in this world and the next.
Nothing Better Than Death
Insights from 62 Profound Near-Death Experiences
"Nothing Better Than Death" provides a comprehensive look at 62 profound near-death experiences (NDEs). Insights from these NDEs are divided into fourteen categories: Life before birth, Life, Humanity, Religion, Spirituality, Future, Science, Death, Life after death, God, Heaven, Hell, Reincarnation and Suicide. Kevin Williams is the webmaster of http:www.near-death.com
The Next Place
An inspirational journey of light and hope to a place where earthly hurts are left behind. The Next Place is an inspirational journey of light and hope to a place where earthly hurts are left behind. An uncomplicated journey of awe and wonder to a destination without barriers. Lose yourself in the uplifting sense of comfort and serenity. Embrace the joyful spirit of oneness. Then pour yourself into the lives of those you love. The Next Place is, above all, a celebration of life. Hear the music. Feel the warmth. And be carried away along life's everlasting flight.
The Toltec Way
A Guide to Personal Transformation
Like Don Miquel Ruiz, author of the bestselling book "The Four Agreements," author Susan Gregg teaches readers how the ancient Toltec tradition can apply to life in the 21st century. For those who haven't watched Oprah lately, the Toltecs were an ancient race of people who flourished in Southern Mexico around 800 AD. "They were also a secret society dedicated to preserving the knowledge of the 'ancient ones,' who were great spiritual masters," according to Gregg. Gregg explains that the Toltec tradition is a way of seeing beyond our perceived sense of reality and into an unlimited world of possibility.
Voci dal cielo
Hello From Heaven!
Italian edition
La comunicazione con l'aldilà, o Adc (After-Death Communication), è un fenomeno sempre più diffuso che consiste in contatti spontanei e diretti con familiari o amici deceduti, che avvengono senza il ricorso a droghe o all'intervento di un medium. I due autori, dopo un'esperienza di Adc vissuta in prima persona, hanno fondato una delle più attive associazioni che si occupano di queste manifestazioni e hanno raccolto centinaia di toccanti testimonianze di comunicazioni con l'aldilà, frutto di sette anni di ricerche negli Stati Uniti e nel Canada. Le oltre tremila esperienze prese in esame, raggruppate in dodici differenti tipologie di Adc, mostrano somiglianze che vanno ben oltre la coincidenza. Avvertire una presenza accanto a noi, distinguere voci e odori particolari, avere contatti extracorporei o conversazioni telefoniche con i morti, ricevere "segni" inequivocabili dai propri cari scomparsi: sono messaggi che rappresentano una conferma dell'esistenza di una vita oltre la morte, destinata a modificare in parte, e sempre in meglio, la nostra esistenza. Voci dal cielo è una lettura coinvolgente, destinata ad aprire un nuovo orizzonte di riflessione personale e spirituale.
Congratulations......It's an Angel
The Gift of Talia
Sandy Alemian-Goldberg lived through a parent's worst nightmare...and experienced a spiritual re-awakening of a lifetime. In this book, she shares her journey from pain and loss to the path of enlightenment. In the genre of Conversations with God, this book is filled with uplifting, insightful messages from the Divine Source of Love and Light. Sandy's powerful, touching story offers hope and renewal for all who have experienced a painful life challenge.
Dreaming Kevin
The Path to Healing
"Dreaming Kevin: The Path To Healing" is an inspiring story of the healing power of dreams and after-death communication in reconciling the death of a child. Join author Carla Blowey in her quest to interpret an ominous dream that predicted the death of her five-year-old son, Kevin, just hours before he died in a bicycle accident. It is this nightmare that heralds the many numinous dreams and synchronistic events that offer her forgiveness, healing, spiritual growth and new life. Weaving excerpts from her personal dream journal throughout this intimate narrative, Carla shares her darkest moments as a bereaved mother and her extraordinary encounters with Kevin as he reveals the mystery of his transition to the afterlife. "Dreaming Kevin" is an excellent resource that will affirm bereaved parents in their grief journey and validate their dreams and spiritual encounters with their children.
Healing into Life and Death
The author deals directly with the choice and application of treatment, offering original techniques for working with pain and grief. He also discusses the development of a merciful awareness as a means of healing, as well as how to encourage others to do the same.
Remember the Secret
Because she has already discovered the wonders of God, Suzy understands the true meaning of her friend's death.