Many Lives, Many Masters
Psychiatrist Brian Weiss was astonished and skeptical when one of his female patients began recalling past-life traumas. But when she began channeling messages which contained remarkable revelations about his family and deceased son, his skepticism eroded. Curing his patient with past-life therapy, Dr. Weiss embarked on a new, more meaningful phase of his career.
Morning Has Been All Night Coming
When the road seems long and dark ... A message of strength and renewal for us all. When his wife dies, John's old life becomes a faded memory and his present life loses all meaning. Even a miraculous encounter with a "businessman" named Gideon is forgotten. But Gideon returns, and through his guidance, John discovers magical worlds of inner peace, understanding, and love.
My Life in Pursuit of the Afterlife
The bestselling author of Life After Life, Raymond Moody, offers a stunning, myth-busting memoir of everything he has learned in a lifetime studying “the other side” and our connection to it.
Pozdravi s neba
Novo polje istraživanja potvrđuje vječnost života i ljubavi
Croatian edition
Pozdravi s neba" sadrže 353 izvješća iz prve ruke prikupljenih iz novog područja istraživanja nazvanog "Komunikacije nakon smrti" ili" ACD- ji" (eng, After Death Communications). Autori knjige, Judy i Bill Guggenheim, započeli su 1988. projekt Komunikacije nakon smrti u okviru kojeg su proveli intervjue s preko 2000 osoba u Sjedinjenim državama i Kanadi, prikupljajući podatke o njihovim iskustvima komunikacije nakon smrti. Rezultat toga je ova knjiga.
Komunikacija nakon smrti je naziv za događaje kad se preminula osoba neposredno i spontano javi bez uporabe bilo kakvih rituala, medija i sl. Uključuju osjećaj prisutnosti umrle osobe, njen glas koji čujete, osjećanje dodira, osjet mirisa, djelomično ili potpuno viđenje umrlog, vizije, susrete u "polubudnom stanju", susrete u snu, izvantjelesne kontakte, telefonske razgovore, fizičke pojave i primanje znakova.
Na osnovi svojih istraživanja autori su izabrali 353 priče i objedinili ih u knjizi koja ima za cilj prenijeti poruku nade, poruku koja je zajednička svima koji su se javili s "onog svijeta" – da su ljudska ljubav i duša vječni, te da je smrt tek prijelaz na drugu razinu postojanja. "Pozdravi s neba" prva je knjiga iz tog uzbudljivog područja istraživanja, do sada prevedena na nizozemski, njemački, talijanski i japanski jezik.
What If God Were the Sun?
Psychic medium John Edward weaves a warm and poignant story about one family and their way of dealing with life, love, and death over the generations. John draws upon his vast experience with individuals throughout the world-and their loved ones who have crossed over-to create a timeless tale that will touch the heart of anyone who reads it. People of all ages will be moved by this account of a family that weathers tragedy, bonds together, and passes on healing messages of love from generation to generation.
Lessons from the Light
What We Can Learn from the Near-Death Experience
This book is written for persons who have never had an NDE yet wish to learn from those who have. "Lessons from the Light" recounts many inspiring NDEs from persons of all ages (including very young children). Such remarkable testimony is then used as a basis to provide helpful guidance and practical exercises in order for readers to live a life of greater self-insight, compassion, and concern for others, as well as to be better prepared for death, dying, and bereavement.
Love After Death
Love After Death is about actively engaging in a positive relationships with a love one who has died. Some people do it naturally, we call them mediums, but this is not to say that the capacity to commune with someone who has died is only available to the select few. We can all do it. We can all draw back the thin veil that separates the living from the dead. Love does not cease to exist because of death. Love is eternal and never dies.
Only Love is Real
A Story of Soulmates Reunited
Psychiatrist and author of the best-selling book, "Many Lives, Many Masters," Dr. Weiss describes how he helped two bereaved patients. To assist them with their grief, he regresses them to previous lives and is stunned as they both describe the same past lifetimes.
Hello From Heaven!
Japanese edition - Hardcover
Heading Toward Omega
"Heading Toward Omega" analyzes the near-death experiences of hundreds of subjects, looks at how their visions changed their lives, and argues that humanity is evolving toward a higher form of consciousness