Alzheimer's Angels
A Compilation of Poetry Honoring Caregivers and Victims of Alzheimer's Disease
"Alzheimer's Angels" is a compilation of poetry honoring the caregivers and victims of this cruel disease. These poems reflect the true stories and spirit not only of Dorothy's own mother, but countless others who have braved the same journey. It is Dorothy's sincere hope that something in these words will speak comfort and hope to your own hurting heart.
Handbook to Higher Consciousness
This perennial bestseller is more popular than ever. It has helped countless people experience dramatic changes in their lives from the time they begin applying these simple, effective techniques.
Srečanja z dušami
Hello From Heaven!
Slovenian edition
Knjiga, ki govori o stikih s pokojnimi svojci in prijatelji. Posmrtna komunikacija je spontano doživetje, pri katerem z nami naveže stik preminuli družinski clan ali prijatelj. Avtorja te svetovne uspešnice sta v sedemletni raziskavi zajela vec kot tri tisoc pricevanj o posmrtnih komunikacijah, ki sta jih razvrstila v razlicne kategorije: obcutkovne, slušne, taktilne, vizualne, telefonske, simbolne, »strašljive« … Knjiga, ki jo vecinoma sestavljajo zgovorni primeri pricevalcev, nam pomaga, da se znebimo strahu pred smrtjo in, ce smo izgubili ljubljeno osebo, hitreje prebolimo boleco izgubo.
The Big Five for Life
This book will inspire you. It will change your life in ways you can t know now, but you ll understand completely once you re done reading it.
It will also forever enhance the way you look at your role as a leader. That includes the way you lead at home, at work, in your community...and especially the way you lead you.
The Light Beyond
New Explorations by the Author of
More than eight million Americans have had NDEs. This extraordinary sequel to the internationally best-selling book, "Life After Life," adds ten years of startling new case material and up-to-the-minute research on near-death experiences.
Glimpses of Eternity
In Glimpses of Eternity, Raymond Moody shares about the phenomenon of 'shared death experiences.' Readers will discover deathbed moments when entire families see the light or the room changes shape.
Miracles Happen
The Transformational Healing Power of Past-Life Memories
In his revolutionary book Miracles Happen, Brian Weiss M.D. examines the physical, emotional, and spiritual healing that is possible when you freely accept and embrace the reality of reincarnation.
Passage Into Paradise
The True Story of My Own Mother's Struggle with Alzheimer's Disease
Author, Dorothy Womack, says: "Passage Into Paradise tells the true story of my own mother's struggle with Alzheimers. It also depicts the collapse and recovery of me, the caregiver. This book contains articles also which will instruct, help and comfort those who are dealing with this disease today."
Pozdravujem z neba
Hello From Heaven!
Slovak edition
Kniha Pozdravujem z neba! je prvá kompletná štúdia novej vzrušujúcej oblasti výskumu, nazvanej Komunikácia so zosnulými. V priebehu siedmich rokov výskumu zhromaždili autori vyše 3300 výpovedí od ludí, ktorí sú presvedcení, že nadviazali kontakt so svojimi milovanými zosnulými.
The Little Soul and the Sun
A Children's Parable - Adapted from
"The Little Soul and the Sun" is a simple and powerful story that brings children a very profound truth: there is no absolute good or bad--that underneath all that happens in the world, all that we call "good" and all that we call "bad," is love. Your child will discover a God that she or he can love, because God is love, as are all the Little Souls who are a part of God. And perhaps parents, too, will rediscover who they really are.