Ever After
A Father's True Story
"Ever After" recounts the tragic deaths of the author's daughter, son-in-law, and two small children in a multi-vehicle accident that occurred as a result of smoke from field burning. It describes how a vision he had three days later prompted him to take legal action.
Life After Life
The Investigation of a Phenomenon -- Survival of Bodily Death
In this fascinating book, Dr. Moody reveals his groundbreaking study of more than 100 people who experienced "clinical death"--and were revived. Their amazing testimonies and surprising descriptions will intrigue and offer strong reassurance to anyone who has wondered "what comes next."
Pozdrowienia z niebios!
Hello From Heaven!
Polish edition
Czy istnieje zycie po smierci? Czy po smierci spotkamy sie ze zmarlymi wczesniej bliskimi osobami? Czy zmarli moga sie z nami komunikowac tu i teraz? Pozdrowienia z niebios! to pierwsze kompletne studium nowego, fascynujacego obszaru badawczego - komunikacji posmiertnej ADC (ang. After-Death Communication). To duchowe doswiadczenie ma miejsce, kiedy zmarly krewny lub przyjaciel kontaktuje sie z dana osoba spontanicznie i bezposrednio. W czasie siedmioletnich badan autorzy, Bill i Judy Guggenheim, zgromadzili ponad 3300 osobistych relacji od 2000 osób, które wierzš, ze ich zmarli bliscy skontaktowali sie z nimi.
The Power of Intention
Dr. Wayne W. Dyer has researched intention as a force in the universe that allows the act of creation to take place. This beautiful gift edition of Wayne’s international bestseller explores intention—not as something we do—but as an energy we’re a part of. We’re all intended here through the invisible power of intention—a magnificent field of energy we can access to begin co-creating our lives!
Animals and the Afterlife
True Stories of Our Best Friends' Journey Beyond Death
Do animals have souls? What happens when they die? This book offers some amazing answers...This subject has been the author's lifelong passion, and she has made it her personal quest to find the answers. Kim Sheridan grew up with animals as her constant companions. Each time she faced the death of a beloved animal, along with the pain came the same questions, to which she could find no answers. Then, mysterious things began to happen which she could not explain. Unable to dismiss these events, Kim embarked upon what became an incredible journey to uncover the truth. Along with her own extraordinary experiences, she compiled the amazing true stories of everyday people around the world. She discovered overwhelming evidence that forever erased her own doubts of an afterlife for animals. Today she is a highly respected and sought after expert on life after death for animals, and much of her time is devoted not only to animals but to those who are left behind when they pass. Her long-awaited book presents heartwarming and meaningful true stories that offer compelling evidence of an afterlife for animals. Her work provides tremendous comfort and reassurance to anyone who has ever loved an animal, and food for thought for anyone who has ever questioned the place of animals in the larger scheme of things, both here on earth and in the afterlife.
Conversations with God - Book 1
An Uncommon Dialogue
This book has firmly taken hold around the country. Author Neale Donald Walsch chronicles his extraordinary experience of conversing with God--achieved through the process of "auto-writing."
Reflections on Life After Life
In the companion volume to "Life After Life," Dr. Moody has uncovered more exciting evidence that suggests life after death actually exists. He reveals surprising new elements of near-death phenomena, bringing readers one step closer to unraveling mankind's greatest mystery.
Jeff Winston, forty-three, didn't know he was a replayer until he died and woke up twenty-five years younger in his college dorm room; he lived another life. And died again. And lived again and died again -- in a continuous twenty-five-year cycle -- each time starting from scratch at the age of eighteen to reclaim lost loves, remedy past mistakes, or make a fortune in the stock market. A novel of gripping adventure, romance, and fascinating speculation on the nature of time, Replay asks the question: "What if you could live your life over again?"
Shalom my Love
The story of a true love that bridges heaven and earth
Shalom my Love is a true story about lovers - a British born American woman and an Israeli cinematographer - who heal their passionate and intense relationship only after the man dies in a helicopter crash during the filming of "Delta Force II" in 1989. Told against the backdrop of Sadat's peace mission to Jerusalem and the Gulf War, this is a gripping account of the deathlessness of love. What makes this lively and engaging narrative so unique is the real communication the author shares from her "dead" lover.
привет от небо
Russian edition
После смерти-связи (ADC) опыта происходит, когда вы связались непосредственно и спонтанно умершего члена семьи или друга, без использования экстрасенсов, медиумов, ритуалы, или устройств. "Hello From Heaven!" это первая книга, когда-либо написанная, что документы этой захватывающей новой области исследований.Авторы собрали более 3300 счетов из первых рук от 2.000 людей, которые считают, что они были связаться по умершему близкому человеку. Эта книга содержит 353 остро и глубоко утешительные ADC опыты, которые предлагают драматические новые доказательства жизни после смерти.