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Hello From Heaven!
Terminal Illness
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Hello From Heaven! by Bill and Judy Guggenheim, book about after-death communication - ADC experiences, death and dying, grief, bereavement, life after death, and afterlife.
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Through Time into Healing
Through Time into Healing
Compelling and provocative, "Through Time Into Healing" shows us how to help ourselves lead healthy, productive lives, secure in the knowledge that death is not the final word and that the doorways to healing and wholeness are inside us. Introducing a new, effective alternative to conventional therapy. Dr. Weiss, bestselling author of "Many Lives, Many Masters," shows how regression to past lifetimes can sometimes be the breakthrough a patient needs, and he walks readers through the use of past life therapy as a means of healing body, mind, and soul. (United States)  
Bill Guggenheim (Author), Judy Guggenheim (Author)
Japanese edition - Paperback
本書は、故人となった家族や友人とその後も「交流」を続けているという人たちの体験集である。終末医療や死に関する研究で高名な精神科医エリザベス・キューブラー・ロス博士の活動に感銘した著者らが、2000人の人々と面談し、3300件にわたる体験談を収集してまとめ上げた。この翻訳版は『生きがいの本質』の著者である飯田史彦氏が責任編集した。 (United States)  
Closer to the Light
Closer to the Light
Learning from Near-Death Experiences of Children
Melvin Morse, M.D. (Author), Paul Perry (Author)
Dr. Morse interviewed many children who had been declared clinically dead. He heard, again and again, that the end of life is serene and joyful, a welcome event not to be feared, when the children shared their memories of out-of-body travel, telepathic communication, and encounters with deceased friends and relatives. Here is proof that there is an elusive "something" that survives bodily death. (United States)  
The Evolution Angel
The Evolution Angel (Paperback)
An Emergency Physician's Lessons with Death and the Divine
Todd Michael (Author)
Todd Michael, D. O. was medical director of an emergency room and Lever III trauma center while writing The Evolution Angel. He had his own brush with death before being saved by the voice of an angel. In this collection of true stories from the emergency room, Dr. Michael relates his experiences with dying patients and the angels that invariably attend this critical rite of passage. Eventually he began communicating with an angel who was sent to aid us in our human evolution. The Evolution Angel is a guide for everyone who wants to learn about the purpose of our lives, how to live at the highest level, and what happens to the soul after we die. (United States)  
Bill Guggenheim (Author), Judy Guggenheim (Author)
Chinese Edition
发生后死亡的通信(ADC)的经验,当你直接联系,并自发地由死者的家人或朋友,心理学,媒介,礼仪,或设备,而无需使用。 “你好从天上”是有史以来的第一本书编写的文件,这令人兴奋的新的研究领域。作者收集了超过3300从2000人谁相信他们已联络死者亲人的第一手资料。这本书包含353凄美深感欣慰ADC的经验,死亡后的生活提供了引人注目的新证据 (United States)  
The Fun of Dying
The Fun of Dying
Roberta Grimes (Author)
The Fun of Dying is a complete account of how dying feels and what comes next. Read it, learn the truth, and apply its lessons so you can enjoy your best life forevermore. (United States)  
Transformed by the Light
Transformed by the Light
The Powerful Effect of Near-Death Experiences on People's Lives
Melvin Morse, M.D. (Author), Paul Perry (Author)
A look at some of the profound effects of NDEs on the lives of those who had them. The authors propose a new theory of brain/mind interaction and provide case studies of actual near-death experiences and their consequences. (United States)  
Love is the Link
Love is the Link
A Hospice Doctor Shares Her Experience of Near-Death and Dying
A hospice doctor offers comfort and advice to the terminally ill and to those, like her, who have had near-death experiences, treating such topics as the benefits of NDEs and the stages of the dying process. (United States)  
Soul Journeys
Soul Journeys
My Guided Tours through the Afterlife
Written for every soul on the planet, these unforgettable adventures emphasize that all of us have angels and spirit guides waiting to help us discover the inner workings of the multiple worlds in which we exist and to which we will all one day journey. (United States)  
Coming Back To Life
Coming Back To Life
Examining the After-Effects of the Near-Death Experience
P.M.H. Atwater (Author)
According to a Gallup Poll, as many as eight million Americans have had at least one near-death experience. This fascinating phenomenon has been the focus of much investigation in recent years -- but its after-effects, the ways that near-death experiences can dramatically change both the personalities and lives of survivors for years to come, have never been explored in depth until now. Based on extensive interviews with over two hundred near-death survivors and thousands of their friends and relatives, Atwater, herself a "survivor" of three near-death experiences, examines the major positive and negative after-effects which survivors experience. (United States)  
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