A site for self-help, support, and recovery issues. They offer message boards, chat rooms, and a variety of support and recovery resources.
This an organization comprised of nearly 1900 twinless twins. They gather annually for a conference to share with and encourage each other. Between conferences, they telephone, write, and email each other. Many twinless have found this communion with other twinless twins an immense help in their lives. Twinless twins can understand each other's feelings like nobody else can.
Information and inspiration for the bereaved and caregivers. Wings is a quarterly magazine that delivers real stories about real people on their journey through grief.
Alive Alone is an organization for the education and charitable purposes to benefit bereaved parents, whose only child or all children are deceased, by providing a self-help network and publications to promote communication and healing, to assist in resolving their grief, and a means to reinvest their lives for a positive future.
For more information you may email us at alivalon@bright.net.