More Books for the Heart
The Heart (Part 1)
The Heart (Part 2)
The Mind
The Child Within
Life After Death
Bereaved Parents
The Interlife
J. Allen Boone Kinship With All Life learn how to communicate with animals, and experience the oneness of all life
Ram Dass Be Here Now
Grist For The Mill
How Can I Help?
three excellent books that contain extraordinary compassion and wisdom!
The Findhorn Community The Findhorn Garden photographs and writings from this unique community in northern Scotland that lives in harmony with nature
Bruce Fisher Rebuilding a very helpful book to have if a relationship ends
Derek Gill Quest an excellent biography of the early life of Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, M.D.
Harville Hendrix, Ph.D. Getting The Love You Want a guide for couples who want to transform an unconscious marriage into a healthy and joyous relationship
Hermann Hesse Siddhartha a classic! - about transformation and enlightenment
Barry Neil Kaufman Son Rise a true account of a family that used unconditional love to heal its autistic child
Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, M.D. On Death And Dying
To Live Until We Say Goodbye
On Children And Death
AIDS: The Ultimate Challenge
insights, compassion, tenderness, and love expressed by a very wise teacher - must reading for all care-givers who work with the dying - read and enjoy all her books!
Frederick Leboyer, M.D. Birth Without Violence
Loving Hands
a very conscious view of the awareness of a baby before, during and after birthing, and its need for touch and loving massage - must reading for all parents-to-be
Anne Morrow Lindbergh Gift From The Sea a personal journal of her search for inner peace, harmony, and new perception
Shirley MacLaine Out On A Limb
Dancing In The Light
It's All In The Playing
a spiritual search by the well-known American actress
Dan Millman Way Of The Peaceful Warrior an athlete finds an unusual mentor to guide his spiritual awakening
Noah Ben Shea Jacob The Baker
Jacob's Journey
gentle wisdom for a complicated world – wisdom to find the way, strength to carry on
Bernie S. Siegel, M.D. Love, Medicine & Miracles
Peace, Love & Healing
exploring the path to self-healing, based upon lessons from exceptional patients
Hans Stolp The Golden Bird a very sensitive, fictional story about an 11-year-old boy who has several spiritual experiences while he is terminally ill with cancer
Brian L. Weiss, M.D. Many Lives, Many Masters
Through Time Into Healing
Only Love Is Real
three well-written books that illustrate the value of past life therapy
Ambrose and Ulga Worrall The Gift Of Healing a spiritual autobiography about two highly dedicated people and their healing ministry
Paramahansa Yogananda Autobiography Of A Yogi a book of "miracles" both in content and often for those who read it - buy it in hardbound!
Becca Zinn Stardust
On The Wings Of Spirit
"the musings of a gradually awakening soul on her journey homeward" - excellent!
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