I have so many questions but c...
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From: Monica
Date: Thursday, March 15, 2018 5:10 PM
Subject: I have so many questions but cannot find the answers
I I lost my father suddenly 12 yrs ago and it took me a very long time to get used to the pain.
I learnt that you will never get over it but just get UNESCO the pain.
I am now ok and know my father is with me always.
I have recently been through a traumatic time, my father in law was diagnosed with a terminal brain tumour, he passed away 1 month ago, two weeks after he passed away a very good family friend had a heart attack leaving behind 3 young children, she was only 34.
My daughter was very close to my father in law and spent every weekend with him, we had an open funeral at home and my daughter saw his body for two hours.
4 days after the funeral when we were at home my daughter was rather quiet, she was writing about her grandads when she had a seizure, this lasted a minute and when she came out of it she kept saying grand dad is dead grand dad is dead.
I am so worried about her, to be honest I am a nervous wreck, part of me is saying it was due to shock but who knows.
My husband is grieving for his dad and I am trying to help him, I am trying to be there for my daughter and I can't stop thinking about my friend.
Why are we put through these horrible situations in life? Why do we have to go through so much pain? Will we ever meet our lord one a again?
Last week I was walking home after work, I felt like somebody was pulling me from behind, I turned around and no one there.
A few seconds later my strap from my handbag broke.
It was weird.
I also wanted to say when my dad passed we were getting signs all the time, its been 5 weeks sinks my father in law passed but no signs.

Sorry for going on so much.

Much love

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