Re: Is this possible for adc??...
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From: Andy
Date: Monday, November 13, 2017 5:44 PM
To: Denise
Subject: Re: Is this possible for adc???
Hi Denise,

I very much believe that it is possible to get an ADC-like communication from a live person

I had a very dear lifetime friend and toward the end of his life, I essentially became his caregiver.

One Friday afternoon during August 2007, around 3 PM, my friend called me at work, said he was not feeling well and asked me to come home.

I did, and just before coming into the development, I was stopped at a red light. I had same AM station on the radio that I never listen to and in fact is too far away to come in most of the time.

But that day, itncame in loud and clear with the country song 'I don't want to be alone, help me make it through the night." Naturally, that song makes you sad.

Anyhow, I checked in with my friend. He was very much alive. He was in no apparent distress and very happy to see me. Nothing seemed that wrong, in fact, shortly after I came home, he drifted off into a very peaceful nap.

To make a long story short, my friend never woke up. Later that evening, I tried to wake him up but he would not wake up.

I called 911, but he was dead before help arrived. Just me there all alone after the rescue squad took him away, just like the song on the radio said.

I very much did not want to be alone and desperately needed someone, anyone to help me make it through that horrible night.

I have received quite a few ADC's from my friend over the last 10+ years.

I believe hearing that song on the radio was a pre-death ADC, even if that is a contradiction in terms.


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