Re: checking in
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From: Josies-angel
Date: Tuesday, August 23, 2016 8:45 AM
To: Snapdragon
Subject: Re: checking in
(((Snapdragon))) nice to see you too. Sorry to hear that you and your Mom have been through some pretty serious health issues,glad you both are feeling better. I remember when you were thinking of quitting your job because it was taking a toll on your health,Im guessing that was the right move to make. You and your Mom have such a close bond and the time you have together is so precious and the older we get we realize that any time with family is special.

Im glad that Bill validated to me about the oxygen too,you are so right the what if's can literally drive you crazy.I do agree with you that we all have our time when we are to go and nothing we do will change that but still the what ifs creep in anyway,I honestly believe it goes along with the grief,we look for reasons to blame ourselves even knowing that our time to go Home is already in place when we are born.

I did love the rose ADC and it felt like a powerful message of love. I love that your Dad always gave both you and your Mom flowers at the same time so neither one of you would feel left out,shows how thoughtful and caring he was.Snapdragon,I know you miss your Dad so much but you can bet he is watching over you and your Mom and knowing you are free to spend more time together pleases him a lot Im sure. Most of the time we do alright but those moments of intense missing them still come in and a lot of the times when we least expect it and it feels so overwhelming at times but thank God that intensity comes and goes and is not constant because if it was I dont think any of us could stand it. God is so good and so merciful and I thank Him daily for just being there.

Snapdragon, I wish you and your dear Mom all the best and good health. Lots of Love to you both. Josie

ps: my son is coming this afternoon and will be staying over,I am looking forward to spending quality time with him.

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