Mildred Helmi Morgan
Brian Anthony Maher
Bryan Mahoney
Garrett Marcus Mann
Jeanine Marie
Peter Mastriana
Robert Sean McGuire
Melanie W. McQueen
Barbara T. Merhege
Rich Miller
Dennis R. Mitchell
Luther A. Mohr
Justin Monroe
Matthew J. Montoya
Michelle R. Montoya
Mr. & Mrs. Moorman
Edward E. Morel
Michael R. Morel
Mildred Helmi Morgan
Walter D. Morgan
Aaron Lee Morrow
Nicholas A. Mumola
Joseph S. Munro
John E. Murphy
Jimmy Murray
Kasia M. Myronyk

Mildred Helmi Morgan

Mildred Helmi Morgan

February 28, 1926


October 26, 1995

Millie (my second mom),
I really miss you but I know that someday I will be able to see you again and we can begin where we left off. Your memory will be with me always and everyday I think about you. You would be so proud of Mike and his new family, and I know that you would get along with Kim, she too is from NY like you. And Mitchell, you would really love him. Please protect him. He is a special boy. You and I were always partial to boys anyway. Right? HAHA. I know you are very happy now and you are waiting for me. I'll see you some day.

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